
Josh Hill

Ask @Whisperman63

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How to make people accept you and love you

If you have to make someone love you then it's not love. The best love is when they love you regardless

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Do you admire someone?

The most important person to me, my fiancee, I admire everything about her and I never want to hurt her 😭

why do you have a new mood on something you have done?

biersackbruceworsnop’s Profile Photomolly
Because I feel upset at what I've done, I feel ashamed, I feel guilty, and I hate this, yes it's my fault, but I can still feel upset over my actions

If you could wish for something more important than anything else you could have wished for that you truly desire what would it be???

My fianceé's happiness

Sometimes good people make bad choices. It doesn't mean they're bad... it means

I feel like I'm a bad person. Because I made an awful decision and regret it more than anything else I've ever done

What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and it was 13 years in the past and you were your younger self but still had your current memories and experiences?

MarnieDavage’s Profile Photo✿ Marniee ✿
I would fix all mistakes I'd made in the past so I could become a good person.
Liked by: ✿ Marniee ✿

How Good do you have to be to be considered a "Good Person"?

I don't know because I'm not a good person

Who do you think you are? 🐣

I think I'm an idiot who doesn't deserve love. I think I'm someone who can't stop hurting those close to me. I think I'm someone who deserves to be dead.

If your other half did something that upset you, and continued to do it even after you told her it upsets you, how would you feel?

Devastated. And I've caused that devastation. I hate myself for it.

If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?

1. To make my fianceé happy.
2. To make her never upset again.
3. To wish myself out of existence.


Language: English