
Withered Lotus

What color was your childhood home?

Blue, and people in my primary school called it the big blue house (in reference to a really cheesy old children's tv series for those who don't know) (I'm not kidding) and needless to say it was a very phycologically traumatic experience and I still have episodes of psychosis as a result. The end.
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Latest answers from Withered Lotus

If you could be any inanimate object, what would it be?

benredbomb75’s Profile Photo- Magic Bomb -
MG is being edgier than I am on this site, I gotta come up with something to outdo her...
I would be a stabby knife and hope that someone would plunge me deep into your chest, preferably into your heart so that I can hear your heartbeat come to a stop, that would be nice. I hope that's good enough.

Dude nice userpage on osu!, did you make that banner yourself?

MythaxWasTaken’s Profile PhotoJosh Radford
You mean the #blameJBHyperion2015 banner? yeah I made it all by myself, I'm pretty proud of it tbh :^)

ROADTRIP! Where are you going and who are you taking with you?

On a one way trip straight to hell and I'm taking that FABninja guy with me

What's your sexuality?

I sexually Identify as a meme. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of being uploaded onto imgur and linked into the reddit threads. People say to me that a person being a meme is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a computer scientist put my brain into my computer like johnny depp in transendence, equipping me with the dankest of pictures from the internet. From now on I want you guys to call me "Sir Danks-a-lot" and respect my right to meme from above and meme needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a memephobe and need to check your internet privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

What do you think about the rumours Pastor Maldonado might not drive for the revived Renault team this year?

He's dead to me

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