
    oui-thney *ᵜ*    

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qed nipprova npingi kangaroo u vera ma nafx kif :( ghallimni naqa pls jew sibli tutorial ximkien, tnx.

Hares lejn il mera && copy the reflection 😁
Liked by: Don Snoob

I love the tattoo and you look a nice person although a bit lazy to get up from bed at this time :P joking :) x

hahahha thankyou :p
Im working all night so I needed that sleep :(

What do you think is the top 3 reasons great relationships turn bad?

if they turn bad they were never really good in the first place :p

le laqwa "adek lisbjana?" loooooooooooooooooooool

looooooool issa immur fuq tnejn straight li kinu flimkien u nsaqsihom ekk adomx straight


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