

Ask @Woahitzphoebe

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ohmygod guys....it has nothing to do with you.. me and phoebe aren't actually fighting.. something did happen on Friday and she wasn't a shit friend i was just abit pissed off about something specific. k? she's still my best friend even though we've argued a tiny bit.. just stay out of our lives...

Adele x
Liked by: Adele x

hi. i was just looking through your wall.. i'm confused. why r u and adel fighting?

LOOK! im sick of people getting into my L I F E .... it's a long story and i don't feel like talking about it.... we havent fallen out but something happend on friday and i was a SHIT FRIEND! i feel like a bad person.... i wannted too do something but me well.... im a bitch and i was scared id upset her more by getting involved. THERE YOU GO... HAPPY! cas im fucking not :'(.... congrats anon

Wuu2 bby

Note... please play this song whilste reading this: Im listening too this song. It makes me cry because you said you loved me and you never let me go.... but now where here just not in the same way. The song played on my phone whilste i took the train home from meeting you in town.... the memories we have shared but i don't think you like me in that way anymore :'( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhHKfSFGdUIWoahitzphoebe’s Video 27779709505 dhHKfSFGdUIWoahitzphoebe’s Video 27779709505 dhHKfSFGdUI

this is the definition of your name on urban dictionary: phoebe... to sexy for words; a term for someone who is drop dead sexy "Wow she looks like such a phoebe in that dress"

Adele x
? lol


Language: English