
Evan Hashimoto

Ask @Wonder_Chef

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you did really well in ultra at wnf!! why don't you main that game instead of getting bodied by superman every week?

Ultra is fun, but I'm not sure if I have the drive to want to be the best in it.

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Who will you main in the new mk game? Are you going with character select screen again?

Reptile or Noob if possible. I also really like Sindel and Kano.

Playing2Win here, fuck you, I'll be a fine community liason. I'm a doctor and you're just some kid in High School. Maybe I'll throw a bus token out the window of my Jag next time we're at the same tournament. Don't want you to get bopped in pools and walk home sulking.

Nice try, but we all know this isn't P2W because he can't spell.

You can't put filipinoman's placement as an example, he is a top sf player. Got three top 8s at ufgt. He isn't good because of you. He has been good for years. If SoCal is so good, where were Ace Ventura and steeeeeeeeeeeve to be seen in injustice? Theo got boped at NEC. EC >> WC

I'm not saying I'm the reason Anton is a good player, I'm saying that there are a set of people that are interchangeable for top 5 or so at WNF and Anton is one of them. Since he does well, I could assume the rest of the people in that category are good too. Brad and Steve don't really play Injustice anymore, Steve didn't even enter it at UFGT. Theo got 5th at NEC because he lost to two guys from Cali... that's definitely not bopped and doesn't support EC > WC. By that line of thought, where was EC in the top 8 at NEC?

Did Theo really put his name as Theonidas for one tournament? Thats hilarious actually. When writing my articles i have to put the full fucking name cause if i put Theo it might confuse people. :/

We used to call him Theonidas randomly because it sounds like Leonidas... I was actually super shocked that there ended up being a real superman player named Theonidas after that LOL

Are you some sort of Steven Seagal impersonator?

Steven Seagal is a Wonder Chef impersonator. Common mistake.

You should change your name to Stevan Haseamoto. And wear an aikidogi everyday.


(cont.) Remember Infiltration's sparring partner Laugh? Laugh did better than anyone else when infiltration was the very best sf player, but he never won anything or got into top 8. exact same with MIT and DJT. MIT hasn't been in top 8 since 2012. DJT won evo, 2nd scr and evo.

SoCal places top 8 all the time, your example doesn't make sense.

Unless you are into men which is fine I don't judge don't answer that

There is no way I could answer the question that this one is referring to without getting in trouble...

Do you think a 43 yr old man sharing a bedroom with a latent homosexual cousin is weird?!?

Not if it's in Montana!


Language: English