
Daniel Rivera

Ask @Rampage254

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On TYM (and I can clearly see, even on Ask.fm), your avatars and signatures have a similar "trend." Why do you use these pictures?

because thats me

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Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things? Why?

spontaneously because when i plan things out they never work out the way I see it in my head.

If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

No where

Would you be offended if Revenant Stryker became an alt costume for Erron?

not really. i dont care for stryker even if he was my main in mk9

If you met a woman and she was the most byootiful thing you'd ever seen, but then you found out she was a tranny, would you still suk dat cawk?

why do u ask weird questions


Language: English