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Hi!✌️ 20 things about me

Dariana Soto
20 things about you alright
1 your name is Dariana Guadalupe
2 you live in sonora
3 you are a great friend
4 your sister calls you by a lot of nicknames
5 guada lupona pipitoria for example
6 your ex boyfriend elian is a piece of shit :3
7 your used To love hector Manuel de la peña
8 you are a fun girl
9 you make me laugh
10 Your dad Buys a lot of toilet paper for to and your family xD
11 you don't like wen I write in English Jaja
12 after This you'd probably hate me xD
13 Ana makes fun of you wen you put your statuses in English
14 you love Mariana Marquez
15 you get mad at me wen I ask you for Likes on Instagram Jaja
16 you have an iPhone 5c
17 you are mad In love with el shastem
18 you love to read
19 last time I called you on the phone I cried haha now I remember and become and Akward moment xD
20 wen you get nervous or feel excited you run in circles .-. That's a little weird I think xD
Listo I'm done :) thanks for your friendship

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