Walter Pratt


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www.facebook.com/itscrawford????? Pleas explain the videos he has of you they are hilarious

OMFG do YOU know CRAWFORD ESQUER ??? He has BLOCKED ME & i cant speaks to him NO MORES< plese can you copy the link of this VIDEO & send it to him PLESE I BEG YOU< I want him to UNBLOCK ME & I is Saying SORRY in this VIDEO too, tale him I only had time to make just this ONE video thats why he has to SHARE IT with sum other guys who I is APLOLOGYSING TOO as well,,,, plese can you write back & tale me if this he is HAPPY with this VIDEO & if he is not then PLESE TALE ME WOT do he wants me to SAY or DO in the NEXT VIDEO & I will makes him ANOTHER ONE< plese HELP ME I BEG YOU , plese send this too him & TALE ME wot he says & if he ACCEPTS me saying SORRY & if he is gonna UNBLOCK ME< I am willing to do ANYTHINK he SAYS so tale me wot I gotta do plese buddy, I am SOOOO HAPPY that you knows CRAWFORD cos you can SEND THIS TOO HIM & then me & him will be FRENDS again ,,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-92okRa8-MYFRONTSHUNK’s Video 56149767607 l-92okRa8-MYFRONTSHUNK’s Video 56149767607 l-92okRa8-M

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YFRONTSHUNK’s Video 56149767607 l-92okRa8-MYFRONTSHUNK’s Video 56149767607 l-92okRa8-M


NO NO plese DONT hate me , I have made VIDEO saying SORRY TO HIM for TORMENTING HIM & now I is NOT gonna be HORRID no mores, I have DONE wot i was told & I MAKES APLOLOGY VIDEO just liek one or two of his LOYAL FANS tales me too do, so PLESE DONT HATES ME cos I have MADE UP WITH CONNOR & we is BUDDIES now

Stop sending me questions!!!

WHO ARE YOU eh ??? OMG I have just seen YOUR FACE !!! EWWW GO AWAY BIATCH ,, you need to be put on a leash ERGH !!!

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FFS i have made CONNORFANTA an APLOGOLY VIDEO so we is now BEST FRENDS & he has invited me over to his house for a CUPPA TEA & A SLICE OF CAKE & a day out to DISNEYLAND, but I REFUSED HIM cos i get TRAVEL sick if I travels too far SO BACK OFF & tale all his fans to LEAVE ME ALONE cos me & CONNOR are BEST OF FRENDS , in fact me & CONNORFANTA is having A BROMANCE & he has invited me over for A SLEEPOVER & YOU aint invited does ya get me :(

Where is that video for @ConnorFranta? If you don't record it then we'll make you famous for being a "Y Fronts wearing bully", so make it now, & remember to do it in your pants & pull them up high & say how sorry you are. Don't play with us, because us @ConnorFranta fans will destroy you & your big

HERE IT IS GUYS, HERE IT IS !!! LISTEN TO IT & ya can here me saying SORRY to CONNOR FANTA in it too , I SENT him the WRONG VIDEO so PLESE tale him to watch THIS ONE & DELETE the other one I sent him, & hopefuly THIS VIDEO will makes him tale his LOYAL FANS to STOP TORMENTING ME BACK cos i is FED UP with it, I swear down I WONT torment him NO MORES , so here is VIDOE www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0u_zNp7e1sYFRONTSHUNK’s Video 56253124279 N0u_zNp7e1sYFRONTSHUNK’s Video 56253124279 N0u_zNp7e1s

No we want a video with you saying @ConnorFranta 's name. Say his name you dumbfuck!

OKAY OKAY i am SORTING IT OUT NOW< I recording it so PLESE BE PATIENT GUYS< so dont be ANGRY WITH ME, cos ya gotta undastand that sumtimes me head get in A MUDDLE :(

Record a video in ya pants for @connorFranta saying sorry & you'll leave him alone, or else we'll make you & your y-fronts so famous, that you'll be too embarrassed to walk down the street & pull your pants up to your chest & beg him. If he likes the video & forgives you then we'll leave you alone

Are you FUKKING SERIOS ??? THis is SOOOOOO NOT FARE !!! But OKAY here it is, I have made the VIDEO & here it is of me APOLOGYSING for being a BAGGY Y FRONTS WAERNG BULLY< now plese TALE HIM to make his fans LEAVE ME ALONE & STOP copying my MARKS N SPENCER Y FRONTS LINKS off my page plese cos i have got other BOXER SHORTS WAERING RUGRATS to sort out & APOLOGYISE TOO okay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjLf-3kxrYYYFRONTSHUNK’s Video 56251068599 yjLf-3kxrYYYFRONTSHUNK’s Video 56251068599 yjLf-3kxrYY

maybe you should try and be nice for once ?

WORD UP !!! I am a ROAD SWEEPER during the day but at night when I am ON-LINE, thats when I change & becum a part time GANGSTA, does ya get me, & GANGSTAS are famous for TORMENTING & BULLYING WEEDY WEAKLING BOXER SHORTS WAERING RUGRATS, cos that wot we do, Hopefully one day I will make frends with REAL GANGSTAS on FACEBOOK & then I will becum a REAL GANGSTA, SO DEAL WITH IT DURTBAG !!!

first you have to apologize !!

Ahmed Zaki
THis is NOT FUKKING FARE !!! I DONT HAVE NOOOOO CHOICE now do i huh, I have GOT TO APOLOGISE to YOU AHMED cos if I DONT apologise then those other BOXER SHORTS WAERING RUGRATS will get to see the LINKS on FACEBOOK that have bin made ABOUT ME me in my BAGGY Y FRONTS & then they will know, so willsays to YOU & THEM that I is SORRY FOR TORMENTING YOU & BEING A BAGGY Y FRONTS WAERING BULLY OKAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY (will that do)
Liked by: Ahmed Zaki

"I is" the washing machine queen! And you?

▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ SORRY BITCH !!! I DROPPED my DORITOS in your ASK▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲

Dirty doodass are making a high quality y fronts range, would you bye them?

Joe Hobbins
JOESEPH HOBBIT !!! ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS ??? COs guess wot ??? I am struggling to buy TOP QUAILITY DESINGENR Y FRONTS just liek the ones I waer, cos the thing is, NO SHOPS seem to sell them no more, I think they must be IN HUGE DEMAND & I guess the shops must have SOLD OUT :( so Yea Yea I would LOVE TO bye sum HIGH QUAILITY Y FRONTS from the DIRTY DOODaSS ,, when will they be ready huh ??? OH & hey JOESEPH !!! Will they have the BIG WIDE SIDES on them, cos I prefer to waer the BIG WIDE SIDED HIGH WAISTER Y FRONTS mmm, OH & will they have a " DOUBLE RIBBED Y " on the front too mmm.. if not then you can FORGET IT buddy ,, but I hope ya says YES cos if you says YES , the I WILL LOVE YOU GUYS & I will JUMP UP & DOWN WITH JOY too,, cos sum of my MARKS N SPENCERS Y FRONTS are VERY BAGGY & a few of them have got HOLES ON too :(

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Liked by: sarah Rosalie

you havent done a video in ages, your fame is dying , you are a one video wonder unless you make a new video that includes you singing a song to bradley about how amazing he is

WHO IS THIS huh ??? WORD UP !!! FYI the last time I made a RAPPING VIDEO for the DIRTY DOODASS, I got BLOCKED from seeing it, so tale me WHY shud i make them ANOTHER VIDEO eh, just so that I end up getting BLOCKED again from seeing it huh ??? i aint that STUPID duh,
Liked by: sarah

Walter I was told the other day that you were seen wearing boxer shorts in public. You boxer shorts wearing rugrat

Joe Hobbins
NO NO NO it not true JOESEPH, it NOT true, I DONT waer BOXER SHORTS JOESEPH,, honest I dont, I waers TOP QUAILITY VINTAGE CUT HIGH WAISTER DESINGENR MARKS N SPENCERS Y FRONTS duh, Ya see the thing is, I dont FOLLOW THE SHEEP liek all of you RUGRATS do, I is an INDIVDAUL ,, sum guys have even said that "I AM ONE IN A MILLION",, Aha i bet they dont say stuff liek that to you YA BOXER SHORTS WAERING RUGRAT,

Walter your not a professional road sweeper, all you do is clean up sick

Joe Hobbins
Is you A BIT THICK huh ??? Cos i already tales you that I AM I AM I AM a PROFESSIONEL fukkin ROAD SWEEPER you DUMBFUCK, If i was TOUGHER then I wud RUB YOUR FACE INTO A PAVEMENT FULL OF SICK as a punishment for saying that HORRID STUFF YOU fukking SLOWHEAD..

Other guys are talking about you and word is starting to spread about you! I have just seen this thread of you in your huge grubby y-fronts https://www.facebook.com/love.grewal.549?hc_location=timeline

Thanks for the HEADS UP BUDDY< plese can you TRY to CONVINCE that guy who has made that THREAD to DELETE it pleese, he name is NEVI PAUL & he is having LOTS OF FUN at MY EXPENSE too,, Tale him I HAVE CHANGED cos i is NOT diffrent now, I go TO CHURCH & WURSHIP the GOD & I SINGS WITH ANGLES too, & all kinda other stuff liek that, so ya see I is not a BAGGY Y FRONTS WaERING BULLY no mores , I swear down I aint okay buddy

Why don't you just leave Connor alone? It's actually so immature and creepy of you to stalk and hate on and harass people that are half as old as you and double as good looking as you....

See him ------------------- >>>>>> @ConnorFranta I am making frends with sum GANGSTAS on FACEBOOK, even as we speak !!! Yup its true, & they will RUIN HIS STREET CRED,, if you GOD DAM CONNOR FANS dont stop TORMENTING ME & sending me QUESTIONS QUESTIONS QUESTIONS !! I havent WROTE TO HIM for a week now duh !!! THe next CONNOR FAN who sends me A QUESTION will FORCE ME to set GANGSTAS onto that BOXER SHORTS WAERING RUGRAT does ya get me :(

i dont think its fair connor is using his fans against you but maybe if you just stop harrasing him he will tell us to back off. be careful though cause one time i saw this girl say i dont like connor franta and then a bunch of people from school jumped on her and just burried her. it was so funny.

OMG THATS NOT FUNNY !!! THat NOT FUNNY at all, thats a TERRIBLE STORY, Hey wud you PLESE HELP ME ??? Can you PRETEND to be a DEVOTED OBSESSED CONNOR FAN & see if you can get sum EMBARASSING PIX or VIDEOS of him waering just HIS PANTS heh heh heh so then I can SHARE THEM AROUND & me & you can have A BIG GIGGLE as we ruin his STREET CRED on the WORLD WIDE TINTERNET,, an embarassing VIDEO of him wud be MUCH BETTER heh heh heh scribbl back & let me know :)


GO AWAY GO AWAY, who are ALL YOU GUYS huh ??? I have recieved TONS OF MEESAGES about how WONDERFUL CONNOR IS< well fyi i havent meesaged or TOREMENTED that BOXER SHORTS WAERING RUGRAT for over A WEEK NOW, so GO AWAY cos I have found me sum more NEW BOXER SHORTS WAERING YOUNGLINGS to PICK ON, so there heh heh heh

walter pratt you are a fucking pratt, whats with them parachute pants? That written apology you sent me is not good enough, i want a video of you in your pants saying how sorry you are, or better post your skype on here so that me and my mates can all watch you entertain us :D

NO NO GUYS GUYS I dont want NO TRUBBLE OFF YOU GUYS !!! FFS They are NOT parachute pants, they are HIGH WAISTER VINTAGE CUT MARKS N SPENCER Y FRONTS, well it just goes to show HOW VERY LITTLE you guys know about the FASHION INDUSTRY, plese lets still BE FRENDS okay, I HAVE CHANGED I HAVE CHANGED I DONT TORMENT PEPLE NO MORE< honest i dont, hey heres my skype guys its:- gayfronts

Hahahahahaha you were the one sending me those messages hahahaha xD I watched that video!

Testicle Clamp
OKAY OKAY I CONFESS it was me that has bin TORMENTING YOU & BULLYINH YOU but ya know ya that BAGGY Y FRONTS WAERING VIDEO that ya said ya watched of me ,, IWell FYI that guy may LOOK LIEK ME but he is NOT M Ehe is MY TWIN BROTHER, so IF you SHARED IT with ANY of your BESTIES then he will GET YOU BACK cos his NAN knows GANGSTAS, does ya get me ???

what if u sharted from ur penis

YOUR DISGUSTNG !!! I hopes you wakes up in the morning COVERED IN YOUR OWN SHART !!! YOU MINGER :(

Why are you obsessed with what underwear people wear?


Why do you keep saying Crawford is stupid? He makes supper computers you on the other hand make supper noodles.

NOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOO I NOT says he STUPID, not no mores !!! In fact he is MUCH SMARTER than I relised.. plese HELP ME,,,, I BEG YOU, I will do anythink !!! make him STOP EXPOSING ME to his frends, YOU DONT UNDASTAND, he is EVILLLLLLLLL ,, by the time he has finished with ME, I is gonna look liek a BAGGY Y FRONTS WAERING VILLAGE IDIOT ,, make him STOP :(

If Mary's dad had five daughters, called Maia, Nene, Nemaw and Keke what was the fifth called?

Erm I dunno duh, wot kinda QUESTION is that huh ??? I know I know was it called JOCKEY Y FRONTS :S


Language: English