
Khloe Robinson

Ask @YesImKhloe

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But it's a secret! :o anyway, I don't want to annoy you so I'll go, night! :)

It can't be:O common tell me, pweese! If you really care about my happiness you will tell me:D

Might have sent one twice -.- stupid thing! I'll just go then okay? :)

haha! just tell me who you are?

Not on Facebook though... on twitter hence why I said we don't know each other

ohh alright:) dm me then? haha!

If you won't say who I am so if you you don't reply I'll be upset :(

Please tell me who you are? have we spoken before? or have I met you before?

If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?

red- anger.

It doesn't matter :') haha but how are you today? :D

say please? or I won't reply anymore! I want to know who you are ahh!:) I'm good thanks you?


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