Yeahh i can do it :D i can sleep!!! Huahahaha but its sooo tiring, i stay wake up last night until 3 am for doing my lab report. Its hard bcause i have to do at least 20 pages. Wtf report was that! Even police's report wasn't that much pages. Hahahahaha xD

killsnape’s Profile PhotoMia
oh yeah sleep xD 3am? almost like me lol xD 20 pages? woah is that folio xD ikr lmao
Liked by: Mia
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kenapa account aku ni tak masuk shoutout? ke memang takde orang shoutout ni? korang ok tak ni?

tak ok

Saya hanya cod untuk area sunway,subang & puchong sahaja. Jadi,sesiapa yang duduk dekat area ii ni,kalau nak beli durian crepe,durian cheese leleh & mille crepe, boleh komen dekat bawah tauu.😊

hiii saya runner sekitar Puchong. Kalau nak minta tolong hantarkan pun boleh <3

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