
Catholic life

Ask @You_are_my_wonderland

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okay belated happy birthday then. :) Anyhow, i don't need answers to anything. I am well acquainted with my Jesus. But you're not able to correctly answer or satisfy people's questions. because in most of the questions you have given a vague answer. Surprise me with a good comeback now :)

I know that these answers are not too good, but my first language is Polish and my Polish ask is quite different,r, because in it freely speak;) If you knew Polish, I might surprise you :D

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Why is masturbation a sin????

"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. " 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Why are you allowed to eat food with blood?

Why not? XD I don't eat because I do not like them but I can XD

I did not really read all your answers but would definitely want to ask you something. You bio tells me you're 13 years old. Are you sure you know enough about God to create such a page?

Now 14 y.o ;)
EVERY person can share their faith and have been here not even about knowledge but about testimony.
If I know the answer to the question (and this is mostly because you asking for basic things) I anwer.

Hi. Bisexual atheist here, your ask makes me seriously want to vomit blood and write 666 with it. God is not real. Where is your evidence other than the " oh I feel him in my vagina" bullshit? Where's the proof. Some magic wizard didn't just go *poof* "look a planet full of sinners"

one question
so why you are here? :D

yess it did happen but NOT that way if u think about it even jesus explained life to his students by telling them stories it is all like that because our human mind can't understand everything what god do :p lol

Liked by: Taylor Sorensen

the true story behind it that there were people who were given everything by god but they chose to leave him because they were tempted by the devil so god didn't actually banned them for heaven he gave them the choice that they wanted and thats being away from him soo that s why they felt pain

Liked by: Taylor Sorensen

you know that when you told jerry about adam and eve having a lot of children it was just a joke right ? ...u know that is a metaphoric to the truth of creation right ? :p

It's not a metaphor, MUST occur at the beginning of incest, even in the evolution xD

Can you help us pray to have a miracle for our fellow Filipino who will be facing death penalty in Indonesia within one hour? #SaveMaryJaneVeloso

Jenhizckan *��
Question 2 hours ago ... I'm sorry, but I was not on ask then :(

Why not? Your Jesus forbids you from doing so?

Jesus said that love should be, and even NEED all, and the Church does not forbid such compounds, but in both faiths need to raise offspring in one. So for me, such a relationship would be too difficult

How do know that god exists? I mean.. How do you have so much believe in him?

Read the Bible, and I think it is enough.
I pray and I see how much He already has done in my life.

Oh yes i understand but you think same-sex is a sin but straight sex is not??

Just being gay is not a sin.
If a man has sex with a man that is a sin (the same if a woman has sex with other women)

Would you use a self-driving car or drive yourself?

I'll answer all questions later, now i go to cousin ;)

So you saying homosexuality is not a sin and Bible isnt say that they will going to hell right?

If you ONLY BE a gay you dont have a sin. If you have sex with a human this same sex you have big sin. Now you understand?

What do you think the Bible 'say' about "Gay people will going to hell"

Not be a gay is a sin but sex with a person this same sex ;)


Language: English