
Sierra Lynn

New anon. Im happy that you are happy and i hope this time it works out... but there is a reason why u two broke up and there is no reason to believe it wont happen again. Just warning you,(: again hope this time works out cause you are too beatiful for any sort of crap (:

Things happen for a reason, yes.
But there's also the saying "if you love something enough then let it go, if it comes back its meant to be"
So who knows.
Thank you though ❤
Liked by: Lucas Stull
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Latest answers from Sierra Lynn

Why aren't u guys friends? I see u 2 look awkward at lunch

Cause she's changed, quite honestly. In more ways than one and it just doesn't work out being friends and that's fine. Real friends don't change , so that's why it's okay with me. Shit happens it's high school.

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