
Sierra Lynn

Oh yea you're the victim once again. Don't you ever think about what you fucking say to people or behind their back!? Yea I'm on fucking anon because I don't want you in my fucking life bitching about everything. If you don't want this from people, don't treat everyone like shit

I don't even talk to anyone, ask any of my friends I don't even talk to them! I'm not the victim of anything, if I talk shit I don't do it behind anyone's back! Even ask Alexa that; I tell the truth or what's on my mind. I don't go behind people's backs. So honestly; just stop! I'm so sick of you kids thinking you can be tough and try to call other people names on this stupid website. Grow up and stop blaming people. Chances are you don't even know me

Latest answers from Sierra Lynn

Why aren't u guys friends? I see u 2 look awkward at lunch

Cause she's changed, quite honestly. In more ways than one and it just doesn't work out being friends and that's fine. Real friends don't change , so that's why it's okay with me. Shit happens it's high school.

Language: English