
Sierra Lynn

Ask @YoullBeMyWings

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I think I do but whatever lol, if ya need anything just holla

Haha well mesSage me on Facebook then because I'm not exactly sure who this is D:

U gave me advice with my past relationship and thought maybe u could use some right now

Well that's what I'm here for, to help. I appreciate that from you, but you don't owe me :)

Eeww no I don't want him lol. He because I see on your ask that he's rude to you.. Duhhh

/: he's still a good person at heart & I still love him. I don wanna lose him but ill do whatever to make him happy

Stop accusing people of shit and playing victim and talking about them. THAT'S what's immature

Idk what you're talking about, sorry.

Slut. You think you're so sexy and your not. And you have bad breath

I think I'm unattractive & that's a bad insult considering it smells like mints but okay?

Are you purposely acting stupid? What I mean is you don't know me WELL ENOUGH to talk about me or anyone else but you still do. You are the definition of a bitch.

Well I don't know your definition of a bitch, but the people I know and talk to I absolutely adore, & don't purposely hurt them like you're trying to do. So you can stop if you mind.

Bitch don't call me a kid I'm fucking older than you. You're such a Whiney child

Then start acting like it.

Chances are you don't know ME OR ANYONE ELSE YOU TALK SHIT ABOUT! So shut your dirty mouth

If you don't know someone, you don't talk shit about anyone. If I don't know you, like you say; then don't accuse me of talking about you when I don't. Alright? Okay.

Oh yea you're the victim once again. Don't you ever think about what you fucking say to people or behind their back!? Yea I'm on fucking anon because I don't want you in my fucking life bitching about everything. If you don't want this from people, don't treat everyone like shit

I don't even talk to anyone, ask any of my friends I don't even talk to them! I'm not the victim of anything, if I talk shit I don't do it behind anyone's back! Even ask Alexa that; I tell the truth or what's on my mind. I don't go behind people's backs. So honestly; just stop! I'm so sick of you kids thinking you can be tough and try to call other people names on this stupid website. Grow up and stop blaming people. Chances are you don't even know me

Lol oh sure. Keep telling yourself that

There's nothin to tell myself.. If this is about my relationship, then I don't know if we're going to break up or not, alright? Please just stop with this.

Fuck you and your lies bitch you talk shit about everyone and then act like a baby like everyone's so mean to you

I'm sorry, I don't talk about anyone. There's no one to even talk about, and by you being on anon & not just asking me if I do instead of believing rumors, you aren't helping yourself .

He's like fucking 1-2 inches taller than you he isn't 5'9

He's a lot taller than me, but what does it even matter anymore..


Language: English