

Ask @Young_and_Wild_

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Me and my cousin were having a long ass debate about this and we were wondering what Jean size you are she said your a 6 but I said your probably a 9 bc you have an ass...😂

If you know me you know that i dont got one lol and im a 7 😂
Liked by: Tristin Chalifoux


Your solo pretty like damn and your really good at sports and your like perfect and yeah we hardly talk anymore which sucks and yeah I miss banging out with you
Liked by: Alexis


Gorgeous 😱 I love your make up and how you dress 💁🏻 plus your like super nice and really chill and yeah your fun to hang out with and talk to
Liked by: Kass

this fucks that are trying to claim your not a virgin, are propaly not even a Virgin hahahahahaha. there just a bunch of goofy fucks.

These* Even virgins* and tru 😏

Why is there a different guy at your house should mikal be there instead of that other guy? Wonder how he's feeling right now probably like shit.

There like my cousins settle down and if he's stressing it's over nothing.

Who ever is spreading rumours about angel should really stop. Because she's one of the most down to earth person anyone could know. And she doesn't deserve lies going around about her like that. Have a good day angel 😌❤️

Awe mech thanks anon ❤️

Honestly a lot of people know about it no point in lying

I'm not ducking lying so go stick a fucking knife up your ass dip shit.

You were freaking out that tristen wasn't using a condom. And you had a preg scare. Nice try. Virgin lie 😂😂 stuuuuupid lg. Half of st. Ann's knows that.

Lol I didn't have a scare and I'm pretty sure I'd know if me and him did something and we didn't so mined your own fucking business you fucking big headed twat.


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