
your mum

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Go like my recent! Sent to all I follow

Saying u sent it to a all ur followers makes me feel so unloved, think before u type, now I'm going to go sob in the bathroom, don't disturb me, feel bad
Liked by: g

well mum I love you so much and you're such a g for giving me all this Advice n wisdom, I wish I was more like you but I need to keep reminding you to take your meds though 😅 I love you even though you need to get off the weed and things like that because I get blamed for it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

U deserve to get blamed for it, u no what they say wisdom do weed

please don't turn off the wifi mum I'll make you a cup of coffee every morning for the whole of this week AND make my bed,please don't get David to get you pills that's your responsibility, LOVE YOU MUM thankyou for getting ask aw xxxxxxx

Really? a week?! R u kidding?! David makes me sandwiches more than that, don't try and escape the hard work😒 and if u think its so easy u can get my pills and I will treat Davis AS ROYALTY

tbh;this account cracks me up, you're such a babe clearly and thanks for running around after me all day mum&doing hotel service for me and giving me wifi, ILY MUM

I'm gonna go downstairs and break the wifi

tbh giver of life, bestest mum ever, don't know what i'd do without you, make sure you take your meds though xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Can u get me some more of those pills, my doctor won't prescribe them anymore because i take 'too many at a time' and often get 'high' and could get 'brain damage' ugh my doctor is so rude
Liked by: Ирина

tnh I can't really say much because idk who you are

Tnh?!?! And how can U say that, maybe if u picked up ur stupid phone once in a while then you would actually REMEMBER YOUR OWN MOTHER

Would you want this account ?

1) it's disabled😂
2) even if u asked this to everyone did it not occur to u the slightest to untick the person called 'your mum' that has nothing better to do than create this acc😂

I think your quite funny but can't really say much because your anon x

Well thanks for trying to say something positive 😂 but I want mash potatoes 😐


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