

Ask @YourpalWill

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What is your favorite potato chip flavor?

Kind of partial to the sour cream and onion flavor of potato chips. Favorite chip type though, out of two it's Sun chips and Funyuns. That's store bought, but I enjoy making my own, fresh potato chips at home.
Liked by: Krichat

Haha. Glad to have you back :) Hows life ? Anything new with you ?

Nothing all that new, probably should update my display photo though. LOL I got a dog. o.o I got a bed frame, I built my dog a ladder so she can get on my bed from the ground. Uh, built a number of shelves in my room. Did quite a bit of fishing o.o and I currently think I smell french fries. o.o

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Will. Long time no see (: Sorry ive been really busy with school and theres 2 weeks left. Im back on ask tho. I really missed you ! (:

You who asks anonymously. lol Fly high, fly high. I hope you've been well tell me all about everything that you can tell me about. :3

I'm talking about full out, thong, dress, heels and a bra just for my entertainment

I dunno, I'm not to sure how thong friendly my buttcheeks are. I don't think that would be comfortable and my chest isn't big enough for any sort of bra. D= I, I don't wanna wear lady cloths. It wouldn't seem right D=

r u virgin? :)

o.o This could totally be a trick question. See, it could be along the lines of something more adultish or it could be pertaining to something that I've up and never done. I'm a virgin to petting a wild lion, I'm however not virgin snow. o.o I am a virgin to Canadian soil, however I am not a virgin to United States soil. I'll have to say yes and no.

"Land gently and cling tight, settle your mind for the night." I just love this line. You really are good at writing, Will. You know your way with words and your rhyming is good. I would definitely read what you would write. :)

:3 Well, I type what comes to mind as it comes to mind. I've never sat around for hours trying to type something or write something up (Like my brother does) So, I get out what I get out and I'm glad you find enjoyment out of it. ^.^

Would you rather only be allowed to dress up in women's clothing for the rest of the year or stay inside your house with the blinds , windows and doors shut for an entire year?

Well this is a really hard question to answer, because as long as I didn't have to wear the stuff I don't exactly need (underwear, bra). I think it would be totally alright, lady pants and a shirt. Big deal right? I'll take the cloths. Besides they have ladies boxers that look just like dudes boxers and such. I'd also have to wonder what bet I lost. @.@ However, if I have to walk around in a skirt or a dress or something overly lady like. I dunno, I think I'd rather just clam up and hermit myself for the year.

Hey, man. Happy birthday.. =)

Hey hey =D Thank you :3 Sorry I haven't been around in forever but yeah o.o What's new? :3 Or I should ask you on your wall shouldn't I. -nod.-
Liked by: Nat

It's been twenty-three days since you answered my questions. Whew! That's a very long time. Haha. How have you been, Will?

It's been a whole lot longer than 23 days I think. O.O My computer has been the iffiest thing. But I've been doin' alright. Got a dog, got some work here and there, made some friends, lost a few less then I made. Spending tons of time with family, direct and cousins. Hospital time, nothing suuuper serious luckily. Just lots of crazy times. How, in the world, have, you been?

What is the one thing you always wanted as a kid, but never got?

Oh wow, this is a simple question. I've got two answers though, well three. Able to talk and understand animals, super powers, and the one thing I wished for every birthday. Drum roll please? -clears throat.- ahem, a monkey.

just staying inside my house... Too hot outside!

Ooh, lucky. I'd probably be inside also, I am inside. But, it's foggy out. lol

What question do you often ask yourself?

Why? or What's next? or You know why you're single right? (Trust issues btw)

What is your favorite mobile app?

o.o I don't have time for this business, but to be honest. I have no mobile apps. My phone, it, it, it, has no mobileness to it. It's, to old!

what does your last name rhyme with ? x3

O.O My name rhymes with a few things actually, maybe a bus, maybe a car, maybe near maybe far. Maybe a poodle maybe a doodle maybe a moxy maybe a proxy. Maybe a tid maybe a tad. Maybe you maybe mad. Maybe a fish, maybe a dish, maybe a cow maybe a cat. Maybe a lizard, maybe a blizzard maybe a billboard maybe a horned toad, maybe a wallet, maybe a mallet maybe a mullet maybe a can. Maybe a camera maybe a strata maybe a cellphone maybe amen.

Do you have any games on your phone? If so, what's your favorite (the one you're most addicted to)? :)

I wish, my phones a poor mans phone. It can text and call, that's really about all and it barely does either very well. lol BUT, if I had a better phone I'd probably be pretty into, well, minecraft. I play it on my xbox 360 and on my pc. lol so I don't doubt that it would be on my phone as well if it had the ability to hold anything of the sort. :3

Do you have Instagram?

No I don't sorry. I might get around to making one someday, I just need the proper tools to do so.

Where have you been?

My laptop passed away, so I had to wait a while before getting myself a new one. Where have yooou been?

I have a question and it's probably the stupidest question that anyone could ever ask you. I just want to ask you if I can ask you a question. Let me put that in question form. Can I ask you a question?

You may ask me a question if I may write you a book. Do you like to read, would you read what I'd write? If it had a line you didn't approve, would you discuss it among your group? Tell me something tell me nothing let me hear about your life. Maybe pancakes maybe staples you know both could safe your life? Oxygen oxygen we need you, clean the air like you often do. Peer down into the deep blue, fish are always looking back up at you. Silent and stealthy you don't know there there, you assume but to pinpoint you'd need to be a bear. Fly little feathered light weight your nest is up high. The predators on the ground will hunt you at night. Keep your distance, stay well away the honey badgers don't often play. Head tucked, beak warm you're ready to rest. Land gently and cling tight, settle your mind for the night.

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Liked by: Cassius John

I've heard about most of them. I've watched Naruto and Getbackers when I was a kid. I've only heard of stories about the others 'cause, like I said, I don't watch a lot of anime now. My favorite anime would be Full Metal: Panic! and its sequel Full Metal: Panic! 2nd Raid. Have you seen it?

Ooh, Panic and it's sequel are both good animes as well. I watched the two of them one after the next. The horse fellow always had me laughing. lol


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