
Yousra Elzaafarany

Menna nader?

Asking about Ozzy? She is the purest person alive, actually she completes me, she knows how to cheer me up, she knows everything about me I think, m3aya 3al 7elwa wl murra, agd3 wahda feky ya masr, dayman wa2fa gamby, betrbeny kda aknha umy wlahy, dayman btns7ny, Bahebaha aktr memma tataswar, ukhty ely mkhlft-hash umy, she is my everything bm3na assa7, a3rfha men sa3et ma etwldt, she is the meaning of a true friend actually! I love you hunnie! ♡
Liked by: Sarah mandor
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Latest answers from Yousra Elzaafarany

Who or what made you smile today?

Emt7an l derasat geh sahl elhamdulellah:') Dy haga fy 7ad zat-ha tkhleny a3ml fara7.

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