
Yousra Elzaafarany

Sarah mandor?

It will take too long ..
She is my bestfriend, my sister, rarely to find, no one can replace her in my heart, she is kind, lovely, friendly, secretive, funny, I have amazing memories with her, she is caring w gd3a awe, she never fail yo make me happy when I am sad, lma hya tday2 ana bday2 w lma hya tfr7 ana bfr7, ymkn hya fkra eny nt care about her w kda bs bgd I love her aweee, we used to hate each other in the past then we became more than sisters, yu know ely hya *ma m7ba ella b3d 3dawa* :') ay 7d y3rfha y3sh2ha usln and she really define *True Friend* , I adore her and everyday I wish not to lose her, I want her in my life till death, she means a lot to me :') no words can describe my love to her and words aren't enough to thank her about everything she made, I want to thank her about being in my life, thank you for never letting me alone and for loving me and care about me w kfaya enha btest7mlny :') I adore youu gurl and really I can't express my love to you :* rabna ykhleeky lya ! <3
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Latest answers from Yousra Elzaafarany

Who or what made you smile today?

Emt7an l derasat geh sahl elhamdulellah:') Dy haga fy 7ad zat-ha tkhleny a3ml fara7.

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