Wei En


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Will you and kelvin ever get together

Nope! We were never a thing and never will be a thing hahaha. It's a very very VERY strong friendship that I believe, will continue to blossom years down the road. & I'm super duper grateful for this close to 9 months of a journey we had :D

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What is the worst regret you've made after joining tj?

Not stretching myself to the fullest potential. I can do much more than what I currently am, both academically and personal development wise but I choose to slack sometiems....

Do you think you can cope with j2 lol

:-( if this is supposed to be a hate question then I guess you succeeded. I honestly dk if I can cope bc I have quite alot on my plate. Promos are over but I can't start studying bc there's Defy & SLCongress, followed by YES! Camp, all 3 in which I'll be facilitating. Then during the hols I'll be attempting to pre- study j2 stuff then next year if I become ogl I'll have to sacrifice abit then there's 73838382 Xcel commitments like induction and mardi gras and God knows what then I have h3 and cip and stuff and baboomz its gonna be alevels alr

What brings back the most memories? Pap!

Not exactly a pic that brings back memories but omg this was our LD audition piece back in sec1???? :'))))

How would you envision your future partner to be?

Firstly and most importantly a believer :-)
Someone with a heart of gold, loves children and animals as much/more than I do, loves God, loves his family, confident and not afraid to share his thoughts on things bc I love having intellectual conversations!!

What do you mean bad

Ure a speedy asker lol i wont specify bc its not v nice to do so & its just a personal standard i set for myself? & if i say it out ure gonna use tje whole elitism statement against me so no thanks

How did you do for prelims and the actual olevels?

I got 17 raw for prelims and 7 raw for the actual! Haha trust me, mock and prelims were my downfall i did so badly i legit thought that i was gonna end up somewhere bad

Is it very stress in singapore? Thank you so much

I'm assuming you're planning to come in sec3 is it? Or after PMR or something? Hmm i survived so if you were to be offered the scholarship I'm sure you will do fine :-) just make sure you do consistent work because the people around you will have endless amounts of tuition but you only have yourself to depend on! But so what? You're deemed a scholar for a reason , the title is given to you for a reason, so nope, it is not VERY stressful, it is possible to cope as long as you get your shit right! Have fun, study hard, enjoy this process of independence (and of course, a little bit of freedom☺)

Hello!!! I'm a Malaysian & may I know how to get the scholarship for Singapore? I heard its quite hard .... How do you prepare?

Why hi there :-) there usually be advertisements on newspapers for ASEAN scholarship so you just gotta keep a look out! But for my case it was a school-based scholarship so my secondary school actually came all the way down to KL to source scholars hence I was directly selected by the school panel. For ASEAN wise you won't know which school your posted to until pretty late I think! It was relatively easy for me I guess they tested us on IQ, Math and English. IQ was a breeze, math was a little like math Olympiad so its ok if you can't handle it, English was just an essay but looking at Malaysia's standard you gotta read more and polish yourself more to he prepared for the paper :D I didn't prepare actually haha because I didn't actually want the scholarship at that point of time- I rejected ASEAN because I was in a relationship (lol yes at p6) and we broke up after then up came school-based(thank god) so I just took it without actually having High hopes. All the best if you're preparing okay!! You can pm me or sth if u wanna know more :-)

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Is humanity progressing or deteriorating?

I'd like to think that its progressing- I'm trying to play a part in making the ppl ard me to be more passionate in giving back!!! Hopefully one day it'll just become part of most people's daily life :-)

Why did you join leo?

Alot of ppl ask me that haha cos I was previously from drama... Well to be vvv honest I joined LEO because I didn't really have a choice- I wanted to try something new and I don't exactly have something I'm extremely good at(except for public speaking but I didn't want debate) so I just decided to try LEO out! But my perception towards LEO changed not long after- after having a position and working alongside really great people and just serving the community together.. I fell in love with community service because it gives me this indescribably warm and fuzzy feeling knowing that you've made someone's day :-) especially when you do it with like minded people who are also as passionate!!!!! LEO was honestly the best decision I've made in jc and I don't regret a single bit, even though it takes up a lot of my time but its all worth it in the end!

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