Ask @ZSinked

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Do you have any minecraft creations you're proud of?

Not really. Never played minecraft with the intent to make any large creations. I guess im proud of the fancy home i made on minecraft Vita. Was on the side of a mountain, like a secret lair

Yo, I saw you made a fancy Voxel Quote w/ Mr. Rodriguez... Anything to share with us, or is it a surprise, or...?

haha nothing i can say about that. We spoke and had a little fun making Quote. That's all ;)
Liked by: Myriame Pilgrim cave

Zach you butt...I want you to stream Game play....and Skype with me and others more...;-;

AussieGirlEmi’s Profile PhotoAussieGirlEmi
Working a ton to get everything complete. Also my family is moving to a new place so we're 6 in a small space atm while my family moves from where i am. Soon soon.
April should be a great month of streams :D

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Hey :) I saw you post a lot of ideas, doing my last project for college and i need to make game which is connected with education. I want to include voxels any ideas :)?

an educational voxel game? :o
I'd probably need more info on the subject of the project :p

Which tools do you like using most in Qubical?

interesting, was never asked before :o
In order, I'd say:
- selection tools
- resize tool
- freeform rotation tool
- "flip on axis" tool
Those are my most used functions. Everything else is quite evened out. Qubicle 1.0 doesn't have many tools that really ease the process. With 1.0 i learnt to work at my own efficiency by avoiding having to create each block in a scene and finding the best workarounds for complicated designs.
With 2.0 I'll be able to work on things with ease but the toolset is still incomplete and missing some of the key features i use, like basic primitives.

How ambitious are you?

oh jeez...too ambitious? I dont try to take things slowly. I plan it all out and work my ass off to complete those tasks. My ambition is to have my own studio or have a high status role in one. But even then I won't stop, I also want to make toys and make small games completely on my own.

Whats the one question you've never been asked here that you're hoping will show up one day?

haha, that's a good one. I dont think I ever wish for a specific question. I get excited by any question I receive.

What associations do you have with the word "circus"?

the association of circus animals? I dont think I quite got the question :s


When I work at home? Nah...why even bother :p
Elsewhere? Because that's what "society" dictates as "needed" *scoffs* whatevssss

How flexible are you with the time you set aside for freelance work? Do you have set times for when you're going to start and end that day?

Well at the moment i have very little time to spare. I work a part-time 30 hour a week job where i generally have a schedule from 9 to 4 each day. Takes about an hour to get home if traffic is bad (30m if i speed). then i cook and clean a little once i get home.
Once all of that basic stuff is done, i have about 4-5 hours left in my night to do work. What i generally do, because i work so much, is watch netflix or anime on one monitor while i have my work on another. I have a feed of all my social stuff on a tiny monitor just to make sure i don't miss emails from clients or important updates on projects.
I generally go to bed at around 1am, but if when i'm on the last day of a project (reaching a deadline) i stay up till around 3-4am touching everything up and making sure it's perfect.
I average about 4-5 hours of sleep a day and it's really all i need to function at 100 per cent, my diet helps me out a lot.
I do push ups and sit ups before going to bed and i do some routine stretching/warm-ups in the shower.
I've pretty much worked my life out so i'm as efficient as possible.
Now, i may sound boring because i'm so "in tune" but really i'm very flexible with my time because i work this way.
This makes it so i work when i don't have to work, thus i get things done way ahead of time sometimes.
An example would be that i'm trying to get 2 months of work/assets done before GDC so i really don't have to worry about anything when i'm in San Fran.
So ya, I've always had a good work ethic and because of that i can always give myself a good 10 hours a week of nothing or games. I really like it all, scheduling things does feel like a lot of stress but it really isn't once you have everything set in motion.

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Liked by: Elijah Beahm

Have you ever tried to be vegetarian?

yup! interestingly enough, my family spend one week a year going full vegetarian. I tried once with them but i really couldn't do it. It probably already has to do with my cooking habits but cooking proper meals as a vegetarian requires so much more thought.
My little sister started doing it since the age of 13, once a year, for a week, during the summer. It's really a good idea because you learn more about yourself and about a whole culture.

What inspired you to be a voxel artist?

Jesus Balbastro
I studied urban planning, and that is something important to keep in mind. I learnt how to draw and concept full city designs in my first year, and often would have to make 3d representations of these designs.
At this time was when i started teaching myself game development and i only saw the use of making 2d sprite and designs. I knew how to draw in high detail for environments but i always enjoyed the aesthetic of pixel art (fez was a big motivator). The simplicity in design of pixel art really makes it nice to look at while still understanding the message.
While i do love pixel art, to an extent it is very limiting. I can't develop effecient 3d games with pixel art and so i went on the hunt for an alternative between the 2. I found voxel art.
I do admit, at first i only liked voxels for the style, i saw no use for them mechanically. The more i used the style the more i looked into its functionality and use. I spent months doing research on engines and system that explain the fundamental use of voxels which eventually made me realize how powerful voxels are. You can represent all kinds of data with voxels, visual representation and data representation, using the single parameter being voxels.
Knowing this i wanted to get better at the art style, not only on an aesthetic level but also at a computing level. Trying different styles and scales made me want to really flesh out the designs i made. I can eventually use this to make full fledged cities along with data representation.
Anywho, I was mostly inspired to become a voxel researcher and along the way i became an artist. I have basic training of drawing and modeling and now i use voxel art to further both of those skills. :)

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Do you think they'll ever invent a fully immersive game system game system like in Sward Art Online or the hollow deck in Start Trek? Which do you think would be more awesome?

if you mean "they" as in me, then pffft of course!
haha but seriously, ya it'll come sooner than later ;) is working on a VRMMO using the oculus rift.
While it would be cool to have a fully immersive VRMMO that syncs with your minor sense, i don't think THAT will happen. Tampering with the human brain is unethical in every scientific field so the likelyhood of us getting a VR system like the FullDive in SAO is pretty much 0% until some law passes allowing human testing.
Based on the tech in SAO it seems to get past the neurological mapping that we currently have with EEG headsets which is only one way communication.
The hollowdeck is a more likely system in the near future with Hololens and the kinect but the only boundary here would be the physical attribution of digital objects. This is something we definitely could not replicate until we figure out deeper equations in quantum physics.
Down the line, SAO is more plausible than Holodeck for our foreseeable future. Also I'd prefer a fulldive system over a holodeck.

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Can you tell me your sizes of container and character ? Realy want to try to make something like that for practice ;)

haha for your benefit i won't tell you the full dimensions but i will give you pointers.
The first thing to figure with any project is scale. You can go about this in different ways:
- make the smallest object you can think of for your game that is relevant and build everything accordingly
- Make the main character and scale everything to him
- Make the "largest" (world scale, not cube count) and scale accordingly
For your case (since you're referencing Critical annihilation) I'll go with #2
1. make the player head, any size works
2. make a body that goes well with it
3. make remaining limbs
Once you have a character made, make general primitives (boxes) to see which size works best with the character. a shipping container is typically 1.5 the height of a human so if your character is 10 cubes tall, make the container 15 tall/15 wise (square). The length should be 2.5x the size of the height of the container, so in this case roughly 37 cubes long.
Give that a shot.
I didn't want you to make a complete rip of my container and character since you wouldn't learn anything from that aside from using the tool.

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Do you think you'll still be making video games when you're old and grey?

For sure! By then I'll know a lot more programming, which is all I'm missing in my skill sets. I'll make tiny useless games for my grandchildren. I'll be the coolest grandpa ever. -Gramps Games
Liked by: Myriame Pilgrim

What makes you nervous?

letting someone down, or the assumption that i'm letting someone down. i work really hard and sometimes i feel i'm not working or delivering up to snuff. when that happens i get quite nervous.

How will you celebrate your next birthday?

Depending where I am in the world. Karaoke and gamedev jams. Birthday jam sounds fun!

What are the other creatives in your family? Painters? Photographers? Sculptors?

He! My brother studied drawing and painting at OCAD in Toronto. He majored mostly in editing I believe since he now works on production and video editing on TV shows. He does drawing and painting on the side and he's building a portfolio for 2d animation and digital art.
One of my sisters is in the film/TV industry...not sure what position she has right now but she's working to be a director or producer.
My other sister is the least creative in the family career wise but she's a hobbiest photographer.
We all play instruments as well if that counts.
My parents always pushed us to work in creative fields while still having a good scientific base since knowing sciences is always good (parents are graduated chemists). So we all work in creative/technical fields which is cool.
We can still help each other out using our creative contacts which really made me realize that we're all working in similar fields. Or at least fields of similar background.

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Liked by: Myriame Pilgrim

Sounds like you work a lot. When do you find time to exercise?

normally i try to give myself time to do regular push-ups and sit-ups before bed, and i stretch in the shower :p (the warm water loosens the muscles making stretching a lot more effective).
For the month of February i have an hour less of work a day now so i'll be going to the gym in my office to build my cardio and more core strength. I find the time, even if its 15 minutes a day, it's better than nothing at all.
Liked by: Myriame Pilgrim


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