
Zainab Najeeb

Ask @ZainabWaitForItNajeeb

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What would your dream house be like?

Idk , it'd be in Manhattan maybe, made of glass completely, with an amazing view and the coolest technology. :3

Which movies or books have made a big impact on you?

None really. It's the experiences that make impact not something you read or watch.

Do you think people deserve a second chance?

Depends on the situation. Most people don't deserve a second chance and some situations call for one. So yeah. :S

If you could perfectly speak any 3 languages what would it be?

Except for the ones I can already speak? Umm French, Arabic, and Spanish.

If you were city mayor, what changes would you make to your city?

I'd have so much of shopping malls and restaurants and amusement parks etc.

Why do some people enjoy life and others don’t?

It's all about perspective. The way you see it the way you feel about it.

Which is the most memorable day you have ever had?

So many of them. Most includes the ones I spent with Ibraheem, and the ones I spent abroad.

Are you a better talker or listener?

Listener. I'm not much of a talker, unless you're my best friend or I'm pissed. ._.


Language: English