
Alex West

Ask @Zander_75

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if yall really care that much about what i have to say about random shit

Alex West
go follow my new non-twitter-affiliated acc ask.fm/couchpercussion i guess
that will be all

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If you had more money than you ever need, would you give it away?

yes i would, for i am a morally sound person, unlike mak a illa. there are several non profit and charity organizations that have great causes that are worthy of donation.
lol jk imma be givin that $$$ away fo some sweet rides and a tricked out house
Liked by: Makailla Howle

There are separate news stations for separate views. Im trying to say that there is no such thing as a 100% unbiased media source because people will buy them for an agenda

WHICH WAS ILLEGAL UNDER THE FAIR AND BALANCED ACT! thats the thing! corporations now buy multiple media outlets and then spew that agenda!

No media has ever done that in the history of ever, they have to slightly cater to what people want to hear, and they have hundreds of loopholes to get around laws that say otherwise

so you're saying that it was legal and acceptable for Rush Limbaugh to spew extreme-right wing drivel for hours on end without equal representation of other veiws? His "channel" wouldnt exist as it is with that law in place.

So radical feminism and stalin would be comepletely moderated?

thats not my arguement. my arguement is that the media would present all sides equally.

common sense media, MSNBC, CNN, Femfreq, feminism/anti-gamergate, Benghazi, Hillary Clinton, Anita Sarkeesian, the KKK, Greece and Sweden's Democratic socialist parties, Joseph Stalin, FCKH8.com, Jezebel, The Huffiington post. These are just off the top of my head dude

These things, true or not, wouldnt be suppressed or glorified (whichever may be the case) if the Fair and Balanced law was still in place.

Lol who cares what music you like and don't like. Also, Rich is the only one in this situation who sounds like he thinks he's better than everybody.

Megan Hart
its an interesting and provoking topic.

You make it sound like some big conspiracy. I assume you think you're better than people who enjoy "corporate garbage" because you listen to your dads playlist?

1) I dont think i'm better than anyone just based of off music. 2) It used to be ILLEGAL for corporations like Intercom and ClearChannel to hold multiple media outlets with singular veiwpoints, that is until the Republican-controlled Congress and FCC threw out the 'fair-and-balanced' law and changed the corporate regulations. 3) Its "corporate garbage" to me cause the play the same 10-12 songs all day! 4) I listen to plenty of music that my dad doesn't, and my dad doesn't control what I listen to, either. But I think I listen to "different" music just cause I've been exposed to it and like it better than "modern pop". and 5) I know you listen to music unknown to me and many others so you of all people should appreciate/respect that.

What is the most overplayed song of all time?

ymca, gangan style, friday, wake me up, probably some taylor swift or miley cycrus song, idk i don't listen to canned corporate radio... most likely the top 10 billboard hits right now

What is your favorite restaurant in the world?

the rock wfp, red robin, applebees, that Mexican restaurant in 4 corners, Rendezvous in enumclaw, that one fancy joint in seattle, pho in covinton across from fred meyer


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