

Ask @ZayB

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قال رسول الله صلىالله عليه وسلم: 'المؤمن الذي يخالط الناس ويصبر على أذاهم أعظم أجراً من الذي لا يخالط الناس ولا يصبر على أذاهم" هل وصلتِ لمرحلة (أعظم أجراً)؟

لا, ولا حتى قليلا على الأرجح !
لكن بحمد الله, "أعظم أجرا" في الاسلام له طرق عدة والله كريم,
جزاك المولى على التذكرة غير المباشرة على أية حال
واغفر/ي لي إن كان قصدك ما يلوح من خلف السؤال...
اغفروا لي الإهمال..أنتم خير مني !

men!! what you really suck at is Socializing :/ and you know that i'm supporting you forever !

we can't say we suck at the very thing we don't want or even try do we?
and yeah..i believe that if you don't care who will?
thanx ..i owe one 👍

Emo bastard girl !!!!!

Like I said .. I love you too :roll eyes:
and by the way my stupid dear one...
striking to regain one's will to live is not a sad thing.. it's actually the other way around...don't u think so?
Not all of us had the chance to live an easy life you know?
some of us are meant to suffer and go throught what spoiled people would not imagine..
it's not -at all- that amasing to be able to stand up in a stable place.. but in shaky one..in the middle of a hurricane...in those conditions where you can experience anything..from pain to fear to despair.
it's not about how hard you can hit but about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward..how much you can take and still stand up and move forward... how much pain you can stand..
It's not pitiful..I AM wrong...it's rather great !
Great to be pushed to the point where you feel so lost and you loose your very reason to live in the process but still -not only you keep moving- but also strike to give the right meaning to your movements! or to find the right "meanings" in life and give what you have to give for them at least...
Striking to regain one's will to live is -in my opinion- heroic !!!
i loose sometimes to my weaknesses and say some foolish things though !
I hate you..u make me talk a lot 😒 but I'll add this so trust me then leave me alone:
This may be a sad chapter but I AM NOT a sad story..I'm a tough one and I'M COOL!!
So Be useful and wish me luck my idiot.

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euh..and i think i'm supposed to leave you rest..

Hh .. stupid...
I'm not resting but i'll be grateful if u leave me alone.

no .. i just wanted to practice with someone..

then u decided i'm good for it?
pffft..u know i suck in english !

You sure? someone who writes on his tumblr "How pitiful can i still become? Striking to regain the will to live again..." isn't ok if you ask me !

I said I'm cool !!

ﺑﻌﺾ الأجوبه والاسئله تجعلك تتمنى رؤﻳﺔ ﺍﻟﺸﺨﺺ ﺍﻟﺬﻱ ﻭﺭاﺋﮭﺎ ﺑﺴﺒﺐ ﺇعجابك ﺏ ﺃﺳﻠﻮبهم ﻭﺫﻭقهم اﻟﺮﺍﻗﻲ ♡. - تبون تشوفونيّء "̯~o) * #ممممافيھہ "̮*beer*

jumanah10’s Profile Photo± ججـــاز✘...
اممم هو في الواقع أنا ...

صدق في بنات اذا شافت وحده احلى منها تغار ؟انا اذا شفت وحده حلوه اخق ويطلع عبود الي بداخلي ﻻ شعوريا ᴗ̈

jumanah10’s Profile Photo± ججـــاز✘...
اسألي البنات ليش تسأليني أنا؟

سئلت اعرابيه متقدمه في السن وقد احتفظت بنضارة شبابها وروعة جمالها وبهاء حسنها وهيئتها -- اي مواد التجميل تستعملين؟؟؟ فأجابتني استخدم لشفتي: الحق والصدق ولصوتي: الصـــلاة ولعيني: الرحمة والشفقه وليدي: الاحسان ولقوامي: الاستقامة ولقلبي: الحب المرأه هى تاج الوقار هى الام والاخت والبنت وهى كل شي


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