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Latest answers from Sarah

Omg you are so in love with Stan you can't even see straight. He's on your team for the next snowball fight because he throws like my grandmother.

Marcus Jones
Stan wears cute sweaters sometimes... <3

Are you afraid of falling in love?

Oh heck no... I'm in love with people all the time... And then they do something and all hope is lost of them ever loving me back.... So I find someone new :p I have plenty of love...

what would your perfect bf look like and act?

Well ok this is all in my perfect little world and will never happen...
-No major height difference... Close to my height of 5'4" ( the only time I would date a super tall person would be if they would give me piggy back rides :p)
- do cute little things like walk with me to my bus and class and stuff
- random acts of kindness rock!! ;)
- he must like hugs. A lot. Because I give hugs. A lot.
- 'good morning' texts also rock...
- decent fashion sense.... I for some reason enjoy those cute little sweaters...
- must be kind to my friends too :p
- some attractiveness would be helpful....
So yeah those are the basics... There are more but I'm lazy :p

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