
zheillah ratnasari

Ask @ZhellaSR

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How is your day? I feel really😞 depressed...

Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. I feel the same thing like you feel rn

Is getting married young a good idea?

Well it depends, in the situation. Mentally and financial ready, it's okay to getting married young.... If not, I'm not sure that's a good idea.

Kalau liburan mandi berapa kali?

Sehari sekali kali, kalo pergi yaa dua kali lol. Tapi kalo summer tetep mandi dua kali lol

last song you listened to?

Maroon 5 - Better That We Break

Ik it's sounds sad. It's just remind me of something

Kalo lelah ama bosen sama pacar,gimana cara supaya ngk kayak gitu lagi hahaha

nadyalala_’s Profile PhotoNadya
Diomongin sama pacarnya, kira kira apa solusinya yang terbaik. Intropeksi sihh lebih tepatnya

Pernah suka ama driver ojek online gak??ahahahaha yg pasti yg masih muda yaa 😂😂 pertanyaan oon ini

Kagak wkwkw. Ketika ojol meraja lela, w pindah ke USA
Liked by: Mrs. Kim nam gil

Kasih saran dong cara ngasih kejutan buat pacar yg lg ldr 😆

Didatengin ketempatnya, terus kasih kejutan.....


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