
Tina Wesson

Chase would've won if Naonka and PK weren't on the jury. He would've won if Fabio didn't cry and get Nay's sympathy vote.

russell would've won if jaison kelly erik laura brett dave and monica weren't on the jury

Latest answers from Tina Wesson

why do you go on tengaged regularly and not blog

I go on occasionally to update the world's longest group game and there's one user I keep in touch with entirely thru Tengaged, someone I knew years and years ago and just started exchanging occasional messages w/ again, so I check if he's online or has messaged me. I'm never online for more than maybe one minute at a time, I don't look at games or scroll through the blogs page or anything.

Would you ever consider watching a foreign survivor? Survivor South Africa: Champions is literally one of the best seasons ever. It is so unpredictable, the editing is even, you can steal idols, the game is a crazy mix of Gabon, Cagayan, and Marquesas in one. It is AMAZING

Hmmm. If you have a link and if it's in English.

what's your favorite springsteen song right now?

My favorite one is always Jungleland.
Worlds Apart is the one I've listened to the most lately, though.

Language: English