
марина мрънкалото

Ask @Zoom4eeto0

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1. Kakva informaciq 2. Za6to 3. Misli6 li 4e shte go dade

1. ценна и секретна (не мога да споделя, съжалявам, от НАСА и ФБР не ми дават)
2. защото рюе Валя кво да я правиш, тъпа колкото мен
3. не знам бе, питай нея
Мирослава също има айфон пробвай с нея

Misleh si go 4estno kazano

само на Ива недей че съдържа безценна информация и снимки
Валя и без туй не се справя с тоз айфон..
Дана нз питай я дали ти го дава
Liked by: Valentina

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fucking hell! can't believe that happen... you're the one who said "have a nice day please" that's why i thought we are done! got it?

pls go watch some Attack on titan and calm down, it's over now
(you can stop the non-qustions now ;) )
Liked by: Valentina

i thought we are done, but... hell, yes! why not? just to tell you that you're far away from the truth. i am not angry. not at all. as i said a few times... waste of time. that's all

if we're done why do you keep asking me those non-questions and wasting your precious time, huh?
Liked by: Valentina

1. it wasn't a question! 2. it is evening already! 3. whatever. have a good one you too!

i kinda feel like keeping giving answers to your non-questions and making you angrier and angrier, sir
Liked by: Valentina

why the hell did you answer me? and stop texting me incognito, pls

1. i answered because this is a website where you ask questions and people ANSWER THEM
2. i haven't even opened your profile and i don't really feel like doing it, the one writing the msgs is my close friend who doesn't really like the fact that you asked for my boobs, she is quite a feminist
believe it or not, you're not that special to make me ask you anonymous questions
have a nice day please

that's the idea. getting know, or wasting time each other

"getting know, or wasting time each other"
ако пък разбрах нещо
i feel like you missed 2 to 3 words here
how the hell did you pick me to waste time with? why am i the lucky winner?

what did you expect? to start this conversation like: "hey, i like your singlet" hah. no way! not me!

actually i expect absolutely nothing from you, trying-to-be-nice unknown person
Liked by: Valentina

yup. you're right. but it's also way to start a conversation, isn't it?

it is, indeed
the best coversation, that will ever exist on this planet
congratulations sir, you win at life
Liked by: Valentina

im just trying to be nice, that's all. there is no interest. unfortunately...

"show tits!" is a pretty uncommon way of being nice with people
Liked by: Valentina

i've got one, but thanks for the tip! how going yours, btw? any fun?

it's going pretty well, thanks for asking
where does this interest in my life come from, may i ask..

bye? already? oh c'mon, don't leave me now... want you... need you... miss you... love you... :D

u better go get a life dear


Language: English