

Ask @a1b1x

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can you please please say your self-harm journey/story

Okay I really really don't want this to look like I'm begging for likes because I'm honestly not.
Basically last year I started noticing I got really down for no reason, it happened more often and I just constantly felt like shit. I thought there was no other way out than to hurt myself and it just felt like the only way that would stop me feeling down all the time. Near December things started getting worse and I decided I didn't want to be alive anymore. Long story short I tried to kill myself and it didn't work and I just ended up feeling even more shit because I hurt the people around me and I felt dead selfish.
I think things just got to the point where I couldn't stand looking in the mirror and not liking being alive so I forced myself everyday to look for 6 things I was thankful for (got this idea off tumblr). A few weeks past and I felt a bit happier, then I kind of realised that if I wanted to be happy I had to choose to be happy.
It took a while to try not listen to the negative thoughts but eventually I became happier with who I was. I still have down days and little things still sometimes get to me but I try to surround myself with funny people and funny blogs so I have something to smile about.
So yeah if you're ever feeling down or you just want to talk I'm always here if you need me x

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