
Simon Lin

thoughts on anika

Aaaahhh why did you have to pick the long one, meng? Wow let's see, where to start? When I first got to know her she was an insanely smart intellectual I knew in socials and english back in the day...and when I got her number she became one of the first people at south that I really got to know better! I remember our cool text convos and er'thang...let's see .. what happened next? OH HAHAHAH Then there was that time when everyone went crazy and shipped us (lol that was hawkward)....We completely lost communication in grade 9 but then grade 10 allowed a reboot and now she is the leader of the $kipantsmeng crew!
Grade 10 has been an eventful year for both of us in the countless memories we share, and I hope it continues after we all put on our caps 'n' gowns and walk past that podium.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is that she is a cheesy sweet anime - loving sassy (pimp slaps *AHEM*) intellectual and overall awesome girl! Oh and if you're reading this, Anika, get the others to pay me back for Jerry's birthday present! LOL

Latest answers from Simon Lin

Hey simon, I'm in need of help for writing a compare/contrast essay. Do you have any tips on how to write one? I'm not very good at finding similarities/differences in the poems. Thanks bud. Btw, how's post secondary going for you?

LOL I'm only 7 months late I'm so sorry I hope it went well..

Whos the most violent person you know?

there are different forms of violence, physical, emotional and mental. which one?

Do you sometimes wonder if god is fair? Sometimes people just have it all while others have so little

I don't really believe in a deity taking control over our destined fates or lives. Everything is up to chance, and whatever misfortune happens to one is just as likely to happen to another. We all go through things in life, but it's how we deal with them that
makes us who we are and shapes the life we live in.

le sigh..... i was going to ask you to sign my yearbook but you looked busy every time I saw you... #ripmyhopesanddreams... anyways, where are you going to school next year?? :)

I'll be at South next week to do more gardening. Come find me and I'll sign it for you! I'm headed East, so I'm not going to be in Vancouver anymore :(

Wow, you've graduated and now you take a step towards another phase in your life. How do you feel? Any regrets? Is there anything you've left behind in the process of moving forward?

I don't know how to feel right now to be completely honest with you. Everyone seems to be ready for something in the summertime, whether its continuing their studies in University or getting ready for their last year of high school. But for me it feels like a transitory stage of nothingness before heading into something big: kind of like an intermission of my life?
As for regrets? I wish I had more time to dedicate to my extra curricular activities, not because I wish I had more service hours but because I wanted to put more effort into leaving a legacy / helping everyone associated grow further with their potential. But I'm only human and can only do so much, so I guess I don't that much regret towards it since I tried my best.
Leaving things behind is always the hardest for me, contrary to what I appear to be. I may not have the most friends, but I'm glad to say that the ones I do call friends are all meaningful human beings to me. Maybe that's why it's hard to leave them behind as I step into another chapter of my life in a different setting. Nonetheless I'm still looking forward to what university brings, but I guess I'll be spending the next two months just concluding things and bringing closure to all the things I'm leaving.

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how was your last official day of high school?

Very anti-climatic; but I did get to sleep on the field during one of my classes so I can check that off my bucket list of high school things to do lol
It doesn't feel like the end of it considering that I'll be going back quite frequently this summer for Garden maintenance haha

nah i don't even have a yearbook LOL :D well this was fun ok bye :3

You should come sign mine anyway

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