
Arnold A

What does friendship mean to you? What should your friend be like? Do you have a lot of friends? What could be your reasons for discontinuing friendship with a person?

A friendship is a relationship between people based upon mutual trust and support.
A friend should be trustworthy and supportive. These values should be reciprocated between the two parties.
Failure to reciprocate trust and support, or inactive activity for the relationship, could result in pending termination of the relationship. Reciprocity is important for a long lasting relationship.
I, personally, have a modest amount of friends. I have many acquaintances as well, though that amount is dwindling. I prefer quality than quantity, and the amount of friends I have reflects that.
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Latest answers from Arnold A

What runs in your family?

None of your business.
It’s a quote that runs in our family. Learn it. Live it. Love it.

What is your fave sweatpants brand?

Armandi Hawaii sweatpants. Coming to a website near you~

Would you ever wear your stripe t.shirt, suspenders and red pants again??

Omggggg I don’t even rememberrrr

What are some small things that make you happy?✨

My passions.
If you don’t know them, then get to know me. Simply reach out in person, instead of relying on AN ANONYMOUS WEBSITE TO LEARN ABOUT ME.
Like wtf? You that insecure to not even approach me? Good. Maybe it’s best kept that way lol

If you had one word to describe yourself, what word would it be?

None of your damn business lol ???

What makes someone a “good” person? ?

Simple. They’re not irrational, unethical, or immoral.
Basically someone who doesn’t deceive, cheat, steal, or any horrible injustices. Lets use people from Nigeria as an example. They’re infamously known for being irrational, unethical, and immoral. Most of them are deceitful, stealers, and overall full of injustice. Don’t be like them and you’re okay
I don’t give af if you disagree with me. I’ve personally dealt with people of that kind and honestly I don’t give af if they’re dirt poor or gained riches from unethical and immoral ways. I don’t vibe well with those groups of people and prefer if they just stay away from me

Do you have that person you talk every day?

Uhhh your grammar and sentence structure is... confusing. Do you even speak proper English?
Do I have that person? You talk every day?
TF outta here lol

Language: English