
demetria lucas d'oyley

Ask @abelleinbk

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My sister has slept with a guy we considered as our cousin, as our moms are friends and this guy is now dating my friend.Should I tell her about what they did? cuz I feel guilty she doesn't know their past.

No. You should mind your business.
What sister goes spilling the tea about her own sister?!
The guy is not a cousin because your moms are friends. Nothing to see here.
Liked by: Unchinked Armor

I'm 21 & in love with an older man. He told me too and we date but he makes me feel like he doesn't want me to "waste my time" with him as he's older but I won't love anybody else as much as I love him so what can I do to make him understand that I'm going nowhere without him?

When. Man tells you not to "waste your time" LISTEN!!! It's a red flag. He knows himself better than you do and he's giving you a warming that you aren't the one.
You're 21. Yes, you will love loads of people more than an older guy who isn't even your BF. Stop trying to make him understand and stop wasting your pretty, just like he said. Go find a guy who you can actually relate to because no matter how mature you are for your age-- which I've never met a person who says that and actually is-- you're not playing the same game or even in the same ballpark as an older guy.

My best friend has been with her boyfriend for 7 years and wants to get married, but as her man doesn't make a move, she is about to ask him the question. What should my bestie do?

He doesn't want to marry her now and maybe never. Tell her to be easy.

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My friend's boyfriend threats me better than he threats his girlfriend (my friend). I kinda feel like his side chick sometimes but we aren't involded in some kind of intimate relationship. What does it mean?

That your relationship with your friend's man is inappropriate and you need to cut all ties.

Dude and I have known each other for several years. Liked each other but timing was always off (lived in different cities, relationships). I’m single again, he’s newly single. How do I tell him I never stopped liking him and want to continue to get to know him without being too aggressive/forward?

Just make it plain. Tell him what's on your mind, ask what he thinks, and see what he DOES from there.
Liked by: Danny

Another thing the guy I'm considering dating said he doesn't see why (in initial contact/courting) the man should have to call first or at least why it's UP to the man to call first even though he plans to chase after initial first phone convo...?

He's full of unnecessary headaches.
Your goal is to find someone who shares your values/ outlook. He's entitled to his beliefs. But you're seeing all kinds of signs that you're going to have to jump through major hoops to get the basics. You're already balking. This is a Message- big M.

Guy I'm considering to begin dating said he doesn't have any plans on marrying a woman he's with unless they've been together 5 years. I say 5 years is too long and just a set-up for "heading" to the aisle but never getting there. What do you think about Belle?

He's telling you how he operates. If that's not what you're down for, don't date him.
But, um, why are ya'll discussing marriage? You haven't even begun dating.. You don't even know if you like each other and you're already talking about the altar???

Ran into a classmate recently. Exchanged numbers and made some plans to meet up for dinner. His idea of going out to dinner turned into coming to my apartment so I passed on the offer. He keeps texting/calling, making more plans to connect, but never seeing them through. What gives?

Call him on it. Explain what you've noticed and that it's a problem for you. AND how you want it fixed. He can't pull it together? You're out.

I am in a long distance relationship and My boyfriend wants to talk to me everyday 24/7 - I mean every waking minute and hour and ugh! As much as i love him, its quite annoying. Is it wrong to ask him for some non texting/facetiming time apart or am I being selfish?

Ask for what you need. It's not unreasonable.

Bf tears down my appearance. Says I look dowdy. I ask what he prefers and he says that he shouldn't have to tell me. I gained weight and working my ass off to shed it. He's never supportive when I ask him to workout with me. Said this to him and he says it's my issue. Is this even worth it anymore?

Liked by: Jasmine A. Edwards

it was great meeting you at your viewing party..... I hope you understand what a valuable service you provide even on 4 hrs of sleep. Please continue you and your advice are invaluable I hope everyone vaues you as much as I do.... THANK YOU#


i like how you explained that everyone has struggles but you put it in perspective. Most people think that being born to a family that gives you opportunitys means you dont have to work for anything which is not true

kekeyagami’s Profile Photokeke yagami
:-) my folks provided an amazing foundation, but I put in the hours to build everything I have. They help where they can because they can and parents who can, do.
There is no shame in accepting help, or asking for it, or providing it for your family when you have it. I'm very thankful for their support and sacrifices.

You in mid-thirties using your daddy's credit card to pay for your fiancé, apt & clothes?

Girl, please. I said I CAN, that doesn't mean I DO. I haven't used his card in years. But I have it,
You see how hard I work? I'm obviously not falling back on my parents. And even I was? So.. It ain't like I'm tricking for it, lol.
Pay for my fiancé? O_o I am not an ATM, or a wife.

I have decided to move on from an ex who popped in and out of my life. We've had a shaky relationship spanning over 6 yrs and now I'm done. My friend thinks I should inform him but I'd rather just ignore the next time he calls. Should I give him an explanation? Do I owe him one?

You owe him an explanation after six years. You're trying to avoid a difficult conversation and you're being passive aggressive. Just speak your piece and be done with it.

I have a long time guy friend who's like my bro we've done everything together he's my bestie including sleeping at each other's house as teens and I'd flip if his wife wouldn't let him help ,me move. U seriously think it's always inappropriate?

It'd be nice if his wife was cool with it, but if she isn't, no one would fault her. If it's between you and his wife being upset, your feelings aren't-- or shouldn't-- come first. And he's likely not doing it because it isn't worth the headache.
Moving is for your man and his friends, your single male friends or your male family members and their friends. There's also the option of U-haul and hiring movers.

Not op but does it really fall down to a gf or fiancé knowing the female friend vs the actual act of helping he person move? So what if u would've known the woman well? Is it really bc u don't kno/like the woman that makes you say nah??

Yes. It really is about that. If I don't know her at this point, how close a friend is she really to be asking him to move her?
As I said before, if I know the woman as his friend, I've met her several times. I would have no problem with him/ his boys helping her and would be right there to help her pack up stuff.

Moving is funny I recall dating a guy who said he was supposed to help ex's sis move and bc I told him he couldn't help the ex and sis stopped speaking to him. He made me feel like crap and made it seem like he did such a. Big thing for me. Manipulation right? Do guys really know they aren't suppose

Yes. They know, especially when it's an ex. Come now. Your ex? He was buggin.

Lol so dd u tell cbw no and then he had to go and tell the girl no bc his woman wouldn't let him help her move? I mean does he throw u under the bus and do u even care at that point?

I'm amazed by the interest in this one.
She asked, he said let me get back to you. We talked about it. I asked him not to. He told her no. No clue how he said it or if he referenced me. I only cared that he wasn't moving a woman's furniture who I never met.

Re moving: what if ur guy has known the woman forever like long before u? Does that change your perspective on helping another woman move?

No. If she's that close, a gf should have met her and been able to make a reasonable determination about whether she and her dude would help the woman move.
Liked by: _

What's with guys 'checking in' with the occasional text message or phone call? Clearly they're not serious enough to commit but they still try to get in touch?

keep you in pocket.

Guy keeps reaching out to me , he told me he didn't want to be in a rel. I reluctantly accepted left him alone .still think about him but I have tried my hardest to move on every few weeks he textsto see how I'm doing . Feel like it's slap in face after I put so much energy into him what do I say ?

"it's best if we don't stay in touch."

You're dresses ALWAYS look great on you. The side by side comparisons on the models I think "meh", on you I'm like "yes B" .. My ? is how can you tell the dress will look good on? I'm asking bc watching you is making me step my dress game up.

There are particular silhouettes and fabrics that I know work best. That said, plenty of times, I go by that and the dress is a disaster when I try it on. That's what returns are for. :-)


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