
Jon Skywalker

Ask @aboynamedjon

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jon brah bought your new ebook got a question on that very last thing teeth whitening considering your white ass teeth, did u use only the methods explained in the ebook? or did you first do a professional bleaching? mirin them teeth

yeah I only did the methods in the ebook, going to a dentist for that costs hundreds and u pretty much get the same results I heard

Hey man I took a prohormone and now my sex drive has decreased as well as the size of the jewels... Is there any way to recover this without having to take a drug for the rest of my life???

yes. go to a doctor - he's probably gonna tell you to take hcg to grow your balls back and like nolvadex or something to keep your estrogen down while your test recovers. you'll bounce back to equilibrium soon enough brah don't be scared.

Im 5'7, weigh abt 132 pounds...i dont feel that im fat or anything but my abs aren't define. my arms looks relatively big but ive got pretty small legs and chest. I hate my face structure because my face carries alot of fats. Should i continue bulking or start cutting?

sounds like you feel too pudgy now so is just cut if I were you brah

Ive noticed your out late at night, i saw your video you said it was because of the distractions, the question is, do a lot of people recognize you during day time and approach you? i imagine if i were a popular fitness model i would get kinda frustrated by the attetion while working out lol

nah man I love talking to people whenever they meet me. I just go late at night sometimes so I can get in the zone and train calves to Pokemon music!!

hey bro yesterday i had a dream and you were in it xD no homo, the dream was very vivid and detailed, i was going to the gym and i saw you there and i was like wtf man its jon!! then you trained me !! you step by step told me what to do and stuff, it was random as fuck but cool, thought i shared

haha bro that's tight! maybe we'll train together some day for real💪

Ay so like all these other mofos I'm considering buying your bulking package, primarily for the diet, and I'm wondering, is eating just a shit ton of protein as the primary source of your (and your clients) cals how you manage to bulk and yet stay so lean? Sounds cool

yeah man I try my best to keep that at 40% of the macros and that ends up being a shit ton when your consuming 4K+ calories a day cus I'm 6'4

6'3 185 eating aroud 4K calories and not gaining weight. If I buy your bulking program what should I expect? I'm 18 years old been training for a year.

the bulking routine+diet is around 4.3k calories and the following macros: 40% protein, 35% carbs, and 25% fats. honestly bro it's pretty spot on for your stats cus we're about the same height (if you end up getting the package shoot me an email and I'll make sure ur on track)


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