

Ask @adachovy

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hello friends☺️☺️how do trains eat? they chew-chew??lolol hope y'all had a great and restful weekend!!! being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect; it means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections??it doesn't matter if you have made mistakes, what's done cant be undone so learn??


what do you call a pile of cats? a MEOWtain hurhur get it??sometimes, the right path in life is not the easiest one, nothing comes easy in this world and we have to fight for what's worthy and right before its gone??take charge of your own life today! loves??

Liked by: lucas young

sometimes, when things dont go ur way and u cant control it, theres no need to feel sad✨instead, as long as you hv truthfully put in ur 101% & u did wtv u can, nothing else matters & dont brood over sth u cant control??always try & try & try again, there will be more chances?✔loves??

thank you so much ?
Liked by: lucas young

hola friends!! here's the answer to the riddle from yesterday: is bb hungry? no, bb-8 HAHAHA DO Y'ALL GET IT??☺☺life is short, do whatever your heart tells you, work hard play hard pray hard, step up and do your 101% in everything??do it with passion or not at all??muacks??

oh my god ?? yes i get it thxx???
Liked by: lucas young

hey friends its FRIYAY!!! here's to end of week 1 of torture??? whatever shit or problems 2016 throws at you, ride them over because storms will end eventually and keep your anchors in your strongest hope?✨✨ enjoy the weekends i can finally get some sleep??love yall?

thXx ?
Liked by: lucas young

you dont lose your friends when they turn their back on you, you just find out who your true friends are?? so dont be disheartened, only true friendships last a lifetime and appreciate all your true friends now because they are rare gems! loves??

??? thxx
Liked by: lucas young

hi friends school has started and looks like im going to be busy so i wont send you notes everyday:-(( but ILL TRY MY BEST OKAY1!!1!2 also hope that your first day of school has been smooth??? my brain feels like a sponge omg HAHAHA jiayous everyone✨ i love you??

okay :)) hv fun in sch
Liked by: lucas young

hey guys today i just want to remind you that i WOOD never LEAF you?? hope it cheered up your day☺☺jiayous to everyone for school and waking up omg:-((( hope y'all accomplish whatever you aim at and that 2016 will be a successful year for you⛄⛄ much love??

Liked by: lucas young

guys 2015 is going to end in a few days and are yall sad?? but 2016 or this friday is a new new beginning, so forget and let go of whatever you are still holding on to and restart✔?? love you???

love you too :)) ??
Liked by: lucas young

I know life is all about making your own choices, leading your OWN life, but sometimes people dont let you, sometimes you dont have the freedom to do whatever you want. break through the gates if you must, make the RIGHT choices and all will go well. muacks????

thxx ???
Liked by: lucas young

hey guys have you been enjoying your christmas weekend??☺ even though your family might not celebrate christmas (like mine), just feel the christmas vibes and appreciate it now because it only comes once a year??? spread some love alright?????

thxx im overseas haha
Liked by: lucas young

hey guys since its Christmas im giving you another note hehe! HOW HAS YOUR CHRISTMAS 2015 BEEN hope you spend some time with your family and friends!! ENJOY and this is my christmas gift to yall☺☺ much love??

:-))) tHX
Liked by: lucas young

hey people!! stay who you are and people will love you naturally?? im here to remind you that who you are is beautiful hehe? there's no need to change yourself or try too hard?? much love?✨

thank yooouu ??
Liked by: lucas young

hey guys im back from camp?here's some advice for today: "it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be"-J.K. Rowling. this is to let you know that looks don't matter because nobody can control it, but its what's on the inside that matters?? loves??

thank yooou :-))
Liked by: lucas young


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