

What can you play on your instruments?? x

Umm, well, not many but I'm a beginner so... yeah:
System Of a Down - BYOB (great song)
System Of a Down - Toxicity (great song)
System Of a Down - Chop Suey (great song)
Asking Alexandria - Not The American Average
Asking Alexandria - To The Stage
Oasis - Wonderwall
RHCP - Californiacation
Asking Alexandria - Another Bottle Down
Of Mice & Men - Second and Sebring
Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know?
System Of a Down - BYOB (great song)
System Of a Down - Toxicity (great song)
System Of a Down - Chop Suey (great song)
Asking Alexandria - Not The American Average
Asking Alexandria - To The Stage
Of Mice & Men - Second and Sebring
A Day To Remember - All I Want
Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know?
System Of a Down - Toxicity (great song)
System Of a Down - Chop Suey (great song)
Oasis - Wonderwall
Yeah that's all I can think of, there's probably more but ya knowww
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