

Ask @adriianna5

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Do this: .paragraph .rate (looks personality) .suit .honest opinion .how you met .favourite memory For weronika h

♥weronika h♥
para: beautiful*-* her hair is just so amazing;oo she has a new hairstyle everyday and her hair is so long:o i'm jel, let me have it;3;3 and her eyes*-* asdfghjkl she's perfect, idek what to say. she is best friends with ania;> and she's a great singer^-^
looks; 10
personality; 8
suit: nick c;
honest opinion: did it in the para;3;3
how we met: in the bottom playground bc you and dora hanged out and we were more close then;3;3
favorite memory: fun fair^-^♥♥♥
Liked by: ▲Dominika ▼

Do these people suit? Claudia & karol Roksana & dion Chris & caragh Yuliya & Andre Tanya & Andre Klaudia & Sean Henri & Jemma Jamie & klaudia Adrianna & Anthony

klaudia&karol - yes
roksana&dion - idk tbh
chris&caragh - yes
yuliya&andre - yes
tanya&andre - yes too
klaudia&sean - kind of;3
henri&jemma - not sure:o
jamie&klaudia - yes
adrianna&anthony - yes
Liked by: ▲Dominika ▼

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Do this: .paragraph .rate (looks personality) .suit .honest opinion .how you met .favourite memory For klaudia tall one

para: really pretty, i like her hair, she looks nice with glasses;3 she likes bvb, her and jamie:') awawaw cuties, bless c': we don't talk anymore, but we used to be reeeaaaalllyyyyy close:o so i don't know what else to say:/
looks; 8
personality; 8
suit: jamie;D;D
honest opinion: the para^^^^^^^
how we met: she went to my primary;3
favorite memory: when we used to go on the roof in her house;PP
Liked by: ▲Dominika ▼

Do this: .paragraph .rate (looks personality) .suit .honest opinion .how you met .favourite memory For patrycja

para: you're really gorgeous;* and cute;3 people think you're quiet, but you're actually not;) in front of your closest friends, you're crazy XD your hair is perf and i know you like it straight, but you look stunning in curly so don't straighten them once in a while, okay?;DD aaand i like your gifboom;P you know everything about everyone and sometimes that creeps me out but then i love you so whatevs;3;3 i like going shopping with you bc you always give me good advice and you always help me find nice clothes and stuff:) and also, YOU'RE SO CUTE WITH YOUR CAT OMG, IDEC:') kaia:') and the little kittens awawww x) bless:>
looks; 10
personality; 10
suit: marek;);)
honest opinion: paragraph;3^^^^^^^^^^^^
how we met: in year 7, through ania c;
favorite memory: the sleepover at your house when we prank called people XD, at sandra's when we played that karaoke game with random people;P, a lot more^-^

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Liked by: ▲Dominika ▼

Do this: .paragraph .rate (looks personality) .suit .honest opinion .how you met .favourite memory For dominika

i already did dominika k, so i'm guessing you mean dominika g c:
♥dominika g♥
para: really pretty:3 like seriously, so stunning, omg:') her laugh is amazing XD she's a big belieber and she doesn't care about what others think/say about justin;D;D she's in my tutor^-^ sooo skinny, wow, EAT;PP she's really funny and she always makes me laugh:> and she has an amazing voice*-* she sings so beautifully;> and she can play the guitar which is really awesome;3;3 we used to be more close but we sort of stopped talking:c but we're getting closer again now:');)
looks; 9
personality; 9
suit: idk tbh:/..peter?;D;D
honest opinion: the para is honest;3;3
how we met: on induction day bc we're in the same tutor;D;D
favorite memory: sleepover at your house with ania&dora;3;3
Liked by: ▲Dominika ▼

Do this: .paragraph .rate (looks personality) .suit .honest opinion .how you met .favourite memory For patrick

paragraph: patryczek:') i'm really lucky to have you;3 you're really cute and hot and perfect and handsome and you're a really good best friend:') and your braces, omfggg*-* and your smile*-* whenever you smile, it makes me smile too;D;D you are always there for me and we can talk about anything:) i don't know what i would do without you;-; you always stand up for me and defend me and support me in everything;> and, most importantly of all, you put up with me and you're really patient with me, i still don't know how you manage that;) i can go on, and on, and onnnnnn about you;***
suit: hm, me?;)♥
honest opinion: the para is my honest opinion;>♥♥
how we met: thanks to karol:') on new year's eve:')
favorite memory: i can't pick one:L ;; when we went to gilly hicks;PP, when that pedo woman tried to steal you away from me in westfield XD, when you played the guitar and sang for me;):'), when you dyed your hair blonde XD, many more c:

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Do this: .paragraph .rate (looks personality) .suit .honest opinion .how you met .favourite memory For dominika k

♥dominika k♥
para: okay, where do i start?;P she's just perfect. p e r f e c t. she's so skinny, and smart and a sexy beast. she's gorgeous and she's always there for me. like, 24/7. she always cheers me up and she always makes me smile and laugh;D i feel like i've known her forever, she's literally like a sister to me;3 i can't imagine life without her. we always do everything together:> i can tell her anything, because i know that whatever it is, she'll be there for me anyway. we have our fights, but we can't stay mad at each other for long, i can't live without her:') i love her hair and her eyes and her smile and i love her♥
suit: bartek or marcus
honest opinion: the para is my honest opinion;3;3
how we met: on induction day, we are in the same tutor:') but we got close later c:
favorite memory: there are too many:') but the most favorite one was probably when we had that conversation the whole night;PP

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Liked by: ▲Dominika ▼


Language: English