
Grace ❤

Ask @agh_gracie

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what makes you sad

I don't know man it just makes me so so sad watching someone talk about their passions like when they start bubbling up and getting all excited and light up with their words and then all the sudden that I stop and " sorry i know this is boring" or "sorry I was just excited " like you know somewhere sometime someone say something like " shut up no one cares " and ever since then they can't talk about the things they love without apologizing every 3 seconds.

You finna get rich off of preaching mane I swer to sweet baby Jesus 😂

yes I am hallelujah I should be a psychiatrist 😂.

That's very helpful but what if I don't know how to get over him? And what if I thought he was the one?😔

Sometimes we must undergo hardships, breakups, and narcissistic wounds, which shatter the flattering image that we had of ourselves, in order to discover two truths: that we are not who we thought we were and that the loss of a cherished pleasure is not necessarily the loss of true happiness and well-being. He might be the one. Maybe not now. Maybe then. He might be graced with elegance that draws you in every time he talks, but in reality, you're gonna have to talk to. Even if you don't know the words, just talk. Express yourself vocally and never let anyone tell you otherwise. you are amazing. he might be amazing. talk to him. pour your heart out. if he doesn't accept that, he's the biggest jerk I would've ever heard of. When someone leaves you, apart from missing them, apart from the fact that the whole little world you’ve created together collapses, and that everything you see or do reminds you of them, the worst is the thought that they tried you out and, in the end, the whole sum of parts adds up to you got left. I am so sorry. its his loss.

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I most a friend and I really really miss herrrrrrrr . she just went away like we stopped taking. 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Not everything is supposed to be something beautiful and long - lasting.
Sometimes people come into your life to show what is right, and what is wrong, to show you who you can be, to teach you to love yourself, to make things okay for a little while, or just to be that person you walk with at night , and spill your life to.
Not everyone is going to stay forever, and we still have to keep on going and thank them for what they have given us.
Liked by: Lauryyyn .

people bully me and I feel like I can't do anything they threatened to fight me and my "friend" is in the group that said that and she said she was just playing but no they weren't

its okay to want your own happiness. Its okay to care about yourself the most. You are not obligated to sit there and smile and swallow every bit of shade thrown at you. You are more than an item. You're a human and have the right to say something. You have a right to protest your own mistreatment and set boundaries for respectful interactions.the rest of the world won't realize you have that right, and they will act offended when you exercise it, but it is yours. you don't ever have to tolerate who treat you poorly. no matter if its a friend, family member, or a partner. It doesn't matter how long you've know them or how mice they've been in the past. You are allowed to call people out on their abusive behavior. Youre allowed to to vocalize how people make you feel. You're allowed to share those experiences with others. And if necessary, you're allowed to distance yourself and leave. Don't sacrifice your well being for someone else. Its not worth it. Respect yourself.

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Well there is this boy and I really really like him. We have dated before but he doesn't like me anymore.... Help!!💔

that isnt your guy then. stop stressing over a guy who doesnt gaf. The best thing to do ? dont gaf either. You are to beautiful to have your mind filled with someone who you dont belong with. If he doesnt want you back, he is stupid as hell. you will find your guy one day that you love so much. and he's going to know. He will know your birthday, your middle name, where you were born, your star signs, and your parents names. he will know how old you were when you learn to ride a bike . he'll know how your grandparents passed away, how many pets you had, and their names. He will know how much you hated going to school. he will know your birth marks, your scars, your laugh lines , and freckles.He will know your favorite book, movie, candy, food , pair of shoes, color, and song. He's going to know why you're awake at 5am some mornings. Where you are when you are going through something. He's gonna know your phobias, wishes, dreams, fears, & worries. He will know your first heartbreak, your dream wedding, and why you prefer to talk to your mom over your dad. He will know your strengths, weaknesses, emotions, laziness, and energy. He's going to know about you strange love for chocolate, your dream of being famous when you were 8, and you're need to quote Mean Girls and The Notebook from start to finish ( I can do that 😂 ). He will recognize your laugh like his favorite song. The way you chew, walk, run, drink,fidget with your necklace, yell, and kiss. He will know those things. He's going to know that you've already picked out your wedding flowers,kids names,tiles for the bathroom, and the color of your bedroom walls. He's also gonna know, get annoyed, and then accept that you leave clothes everywhere, take 20 minutes to order Starbucks, have to organize CDs alphabetically, and check your horoscope. He will know your McDonalds order, how many scoops of ice cream, and that you like your sandwiches cut into triangles. He will know that even when you say you've already eaten breakfast, you don't eat breakfast. He will know it all. Everything about you from top to bottom. You know what else ? he's still gonna love you.
the guy that you want know, isn't gonna matter then.

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Liked by: Ariii'


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