

Ask @ainsleyelisa

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because you waited OH so patiently for this, you're pretty nice for the most part, really funny, attractive and you think you're part of NWA sometimes which is a lil weird sometimes (specially when you make me learn rap songs) oh and sometimes you're good at texting back but eh

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What's one thing most people don't know about you?

well if I told you this, wouldn't most people know then? then I would be #exposed

Tbh — You're a great friend and I'm really happy I've become so close to you. I really wish we were closer, though. I love hanging out with you and having those amazing PRIVATE dance parties with you. I really hope we stay friends. Oh, and you positively stunning ?

mayterzy’s Profile PhotoCasey Dolan
I love you lots Casey ❤️and yes our dance parties are definitely my highlight of each day
Liked by: Casey Dolan

u don't even smoke weed and listen to rap u weirdo

that doesn't make me any less qualified to enjoy this guy and use his face as reaction pictures, u weirdo
u dont even smoke weed and listen to rap u weirdo
Liked by: morgan bosse

I love how you are urself around everybody and you aren't afaid to show how much you love certain things

thank you so much ☺️☺️that just made my night


Chris_joseph07’s Profile PhotoCole Joseph
We're in choir together and you're super funny and nice :)) hopefully we become better friends, and at some point I will get better at hearing things and will actually hear you calling me over

Would you rather never have internet access again or never be allowed board an airplane again?

Lima bean is increasingly ill so let me get back to this question once i find out if i gotta fly over to Belfast or not to check on him.


ultimate_ginga’s Profile PhotoRiley
we used to be really good friends and had that potato thing (why? who knows) but then we kinda stopped talking :( we're talking again though and im very happy about that because you're really funny and super nice :)
Liked by: Zoë Riley


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