
Nirmala Ais

Ask @aistheaolis

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Salah atau gak menghindari orang yg tulus sayang dg kita hanya karena merasa diri kita gak cocok buat dia?

salah kalo menghindari

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What kind of question is this

Then you’re not learning, and not fixing ur self to be a better person :)

Everybody is fixing something, trying to be bettter, learning, everybody struggle with something
Liked by: Virllyya Andiny

You consider yourself is better now? What is the different between the old you and the new you? You keep living unhealty. Define “better for myself”

You know the different

When you said that you wanna be a better person? If im not mistaken of what i’ve heard

Better person for my self

Cant you look at yourself in the mirror and realize that you turned into someone “worse” than you used to?

Define worse

oke gua mau curhat ya hehe. jadi gua ini cewe normal yang suka sm cowo lah ya intinya tapi pacar gua butchy dan gua selalu anggep dia cowo soalnya tampilan dia emang bnr2 cowo. gimana caranya gua ngilangin rasa sayang gua sm dia? i know ini question sedikit jijik

Kalo jijik gausah pacarin


Language: English