


He's chill and funny and fun to hang with but he texts like a lightskin lol but he's always been there for me and he's honestly really nice and he stands up for me and ya ilyy

Latest answers from Alast

Did you have to dance for them

Three dances hip hop lyrical and poms that u learned in three days each day an hour and u showed them ur techniques like ur jumps and double turns all ur splits leaps ect ect and yeah a panel of judges judge u and rate it and add up who scored highest

What is the difference between POMS and cheerleading

Poms is more dance like lyrical and hip hop and hand motions and they do the half time show for games and do winter. Competition and cheerleaders stand by the side lines and like do more gymnast type things and stunts and yell things and also have winter comp

What color is your dress for formal

Lol I littarly just picked one out of my closet like two seconds ago so yeah lmao it's pink

Language: English