
Almaulidio Tazkia

Ask @aldiii__

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pernah ga suka sama sahabat sendiri?

hampir setiap kali awkakwkawkwak idk mungkin sayanya mudah baper, or i'm just misunderstanding the true meaning of "falling in love" wehehehegayalehguakudabusuk
Liked by: Nita Hartati

apa pendapatmu tentang orang yang kamu cinta?

kagak ada cinta2an lah, fokus kuliah dulu.

desc+imp nya dea??

dea roesmana
d : Dea, skatel17, mm, xg, osis, jenong, kelinci, ayam, suka korea juga, fans nya ikon bobby, item, tinggi sih tapi tinggian aku keknya bahahah, great english conversational skill although not as much in terms of vocabulary skill, gebetan gua BHAHAHAHAHHAcanda, imut sih ya tapi, wawasannya luas, deketnya malah pas gua udah lulus smh -_-
i : "kak" "kak aldi ni" "ini maksudnya apa kak" "keyla" "opaham" *emot* *sticker line gerak* "dasar buaya"
kek nya ini aja yak dah lama gak ngobrol hiy
Liked by: dea roesmana

What's your ideal girlfriend?

i'm not trying to be picky, but i guess i would like some girl who's not boring, personality or conversation-wise. She must understands that i'm an introvert, so it's necessary for me to have a lot of me-time, even if it would take, like, 2 days. I think that's the bigger picture for now. I have a lot in mind, but like i said, i'm not trying to be picky, and i think we would be discuss that personally about what would we like to do in each-other relationship.


D : Cantik, sekelas, bandung, kalem, sohibnya feby, kemana mana sama feby, mantannya A, mantannya B, mantannya C juga. ipon 6, lumayan generous lah, lumayan encer lah.
I : Beli stiker di. Digratisi pang di. Diskon pang di. Uma ay. Mun beli 2 gratis satu lah? Beli pulsa di. Aku gak suka ngutang. Iya ntar kubayar. Kelompok kita siapa aja di? nyontek pang di. ntar aku beli stiker.
Liked by: Gea

What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day?

obviously feeling what it's like to reach the top of my own mountain.

If you were to get a tattoo today, what would you get and where would you have it placed?

A killer whale that looks like jumped out of my belly.

Apa bekas luka paling aneh yang kamu miliki dan bagaimana itu terjadi?

When i was in Junior High School, i would get a bite mark, usually on Tuesday or Thursday Nights, and i didn't feel hurt. These bite mark were suddenly shows up at night. Thankfully, it didn't happen anymore :/

4 org dikejar zombie dan mereka harus melewati sebuah jmbatan, a bisa mlwati jmbatan dlm wktu 1 mnt, b 2 mnt, c 5 mnt, d 10 mnt jmbatan hnya bisa dilwati 2 org, slah stu harus mebawa lntera dn kmbali ntuk mnjemput yg lain jika perkiraan waktu zombie dtg adalah 17 mnt bagaimana kh urutan brgktnya


Language: English