
Alex Zapata

Ask @alexdafalexyo

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Do you have a nickname???

I mean I go by Alex instead of Alexandra
but one time when i was in girl scouts there was another alex- and she was the tallest in our troop and I was the shortest. So i was called Lil Alex a lot in in my youngin days

Do you personally know any great artists? (Music, visual art, dance, etc...)

if your talkin bout Famous famous- then no
but i met Laura Osnes at a theater camp- she was pretty cool

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Do you have plans today?

but my sis had a soccer game
i might go apply for a job at a halloween store
idk yet

List some things that you believe are inevitable (unavoidable or certain to happen at some point).

the only one i can think of is dying tbh

What's the number one thing you hate about the beginning of the school year?

no more staying up all night :(

Name as many princesses as you can off the top of your head (both real life and fictional).

Snow White
Donkey face
Liked by: Alyssia Depp

How old were you when you started playing video games?

When I finished Kindergarden.
I had really bad handwriting, and my teacher recommended a PS2 because it might develop my hand muscles or something???
The first game I ever played was Ratchet and Clank, and my handwriting never got any better :(

what is something you wanna do right now?

Something I wanna do right now is just drive anywhere and everywhere
I'm so bored
and now that I have a license I feel as though I should do something more with my life.
Liked by: Alyssia Depp

u think ur gonna get the job

Yea I'm like 90% sure.
i'M really excited tho! and nervous for the interview!
but wow i feel like i've grown up so much in this past week,
this is so surreal, I never even imagined getting a job, and now here i am, awaiting a call for an interview.
just wowie wow wow
Liked by: Alyssia Depp


Language: English