
Alicia Hawkin

Ask @aliciahawkin12345678

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yah and collin is someone i care about so treat him right goodbye and stop it . you hate him so you said that not him .

Aha you're funny. Stop sending me shit through ask and just text me

no and bud im pretty sure he upset he wont text anyone so what that tell you and you hate him like why do you say you like him lol get it he upset with you .

Is someone too scared to get off of anon? Lol

nice grammer whatever i want you stop been his friend lol cause i dont like it so like stop and collin cant tell me what do cause im trying help him so pce bud and you dont care about him never have or will so your messing with him . and he is retarted for thinking you actually like him lol bye

AHAHA get off anon. This is hilarious😂

im dipshit lol bud you never talk to him and he doesnt even know that you are using him like cuz of you he thinks you like him as friend which is bs like you have bf i heard like dont you say your his friend and you care about him yet you dont and you lie to him since you prob since start to him .

Nice grammar and punctuation bud😂😂😂

How you know he not mad at you lol ?? You guys haven't talked today lol ?

Because he told me ya dipshit, now get off my ask😂

i hope your happy cause he pissed with both of us and angry so thanks for that and he just upset with you and he hates us great thanks you are shit friend to him and now he hates me and you great lol you should lest show some empathy to him like you treat him like shit and thanks to you he mad . pc

😂😂😂I did nothing wrong, and he's not mad at me ahaha

you dont know him either who you to judge him and shit lol you get mad when he likes you lol yet he best guy ever and good person you get all piss off when people ask you about him but then you say him you are his friend like i bet you wont even text him tonight buddy lol he prob texted you lol

I don't judge him? Just mind your own business

you dont know nothing you guys arent even friends lol like ask him yourself im pretty sure he hates you lol you arent his really friend lol you cant sit their say you are cause we all seen how you act like get over yourself kid . collin cant be himself when he around you he changes lol cause of you

He's never been around me in person there buddy😂😂 good try

what facts ? you arent his friend ive seen your messages to him and he trying be your friend and you dont like him and you have used him and you blame him ive seen texts yet he doesnt see your using him cause he retarted and so i decided to ask you questions why you like him cause you dont lol ?

Get off anon ya goof

collin told me about you and i must say your terrible friend to him the stuff you say is crap you use him and play with him yet you decided when my friend can text you like stop fucking playing with him and either be his friend or dont but he doesnt deserver you treating him like shit ,

Ahahaha😂😂 learn the facts buddy

Why is everyone making fun a this Collin guy for last 2 weeks so he different but why he getting attacked on ask ? And are you even his friend or just sick of the questions about him and your friend idk you but like do you even like him honestly ?? Cause everyone make fun of him it rude !!! Stop ano

Stop asking me so many questions and get off of anon

is it true you you hate colin fox and owen sharkey you have told people that before js dont lie lol cause i have prove you said that to them and people

Oh You have proof eh? Get a life. You're a fucking joke😂
Liked by: Jasmyn Muir


Language: English