
Alicja Michalska

Ask @alicjam

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I miss her more! .. how could u do this to me?! leaving me along for 2 months?!.. damn, imma catch a plane . cuz i dno what to do with myself

go for it. what's up with the "damn" thing

are u enjoying ur holiday? :>

yes and no, yes because the weather is quite nice and i'm seeing my family, no because sometimes it gets boring and i miss my friends

I could tell you if you just let me know what I'd be expected to do ;)

I am going to sleep now, have to wake up at 6 tomorrow so i've got just a bit over 3 hours of sleep left, soooo goodnightt : D

Still not helping ;)

too bad, i'll ask Joe (you) if it's him (you) tomorrow at school, well actually today it's monday already ;p unless you are James, orrrr.... maybe you lied that you're name starts with J

Nope afraid not and you're not getting any more help until you tell me what I'll be doing ;)

Joe?! there is no one else that i know that starts with J

You can't say that, you've already told me half the story, tell me the rest and I'll leave you alone ;)

that was a jokeeee !! I was being sarcastic. Does you name start with a J? ;p

Well if you're deleting them you can let me know what I will be doing then as long as you give me a chance to read it ;)

you wouldn't be doing anything ! becaaaussseee, i have a boyfriend and you would never be near that area, okaay thank you . end of conversation :) :P

You're functioning fine, what will I be doing? ;)

please, let's change the subject :) and, it's probably up to you isn't it? okaay, i'm not continuing ;p tell me who you are , pleeeaaaseee :>>> probably deleting these questions later ;p


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