
Allec Foley

Ask @allecccfoley

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is hatred something we are born with or is it something we adopt as we grow up?

Were obvs born with it but some people are just good at inspiring it in others!

best friends/girls/boys/dickheads/cunts/funny people/brainless people (do it in a list)

Done bestfriends before!
Dickheads/cunts= Charlie tg, Jordan M,& Ms.McGrandles
Funny people= Walcot,Boobie,Wotton,Martha,Julia,
Brainless= Everyone has a brain, some are just less able to use it.

So you ditched emily for drugs and sex

No not at all and tbh I'm sick of people going on about both of those things. Gunna be honest I've had sex 3 times, and only done more than kiss with 6 people in my life. And I take a lot less drugs than some others, yeas I smoke weed a lot but so what? Its my choice and I'm not some crackhead, nor would I ever touch that. So clealy you don't know me or anything about me. Secondly, mine and Emily's relationship has fuck all to do with anyone apart from the two of us. So if you haven't got the message, FUCK OFF- or at least come off anon, because tbh you and everyone else who feels it is appropriate to try and make people feel like shit, whilst hiding behind a computer screen to avoid any responsibility for their actions are pathetic cowards.

apparently u and emily wotton had arguemnt

We didn't have an aruemnt. You are clealy misinformed and don't know either of us that well. Me and Emily were growing apart and we both knew that, and we discussed that and yes we disagreed on some things, but all bestfriends do. We've sorted out differences now though, and when she gets her masssive bum back from holiday getting black, were gunna have a catch up! Because I love her and have missed her loads.

fittest people from each year group (tedd)

That is the longest thingg! I'm not a pedo but there a few fit year 9's- I've said who I thinks hot in my year before, but there aren't even that many&there are quite a few fit year abovess

holy shit, you have some big tits i would smashh and suck so hard till u say stop

Loooool, that would be so awkss if peopke fucked and the girl just had to say stop whenever. Its sex, not pouring someones milk on cereal!

If you where a wicked tyrant what country would you rule?

I have no clue what that is, but janaica or somwhere in the carribean cause that's just the best place for anything!

Thts wht everyone is sayin

Well 'everyone' said the world was gunna end in 2012-but did it?....NO.

hot and kind ted boys

There's loads of hot boys but the genuinely most lovely boys I know are Dan Jarvis and Sam Birch x

U and reece are blatenly fucking still, lol tryna say it was just once is bullshit

Ahahhha this is hilarious! Yehhh we totally are....-____-


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