
allysa blundell

Ask @allysa_may1313

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Imitate me.

Jeremy Aportadera
*ugly everyday*
*walks around pretty well naked majority of the time*
"babe? you're cute"
"you'll always be my girl"
"ew you're ugly"
"that's ugly"
*apparently everything I do is ugly*
*especially him*
*chirps everything I do*
*acts buck but never wants to fight me*
* beats me*
*looks good in everything*
*looks especially good on me* 😏
*smells a-1 25/7*
"you're fucking cute"
*worlds biggest bitch*
*thinks he's black*
*buys rank watch*
*buys rank jackets*
*buys white ass jordans*
*loves them more than he loves me*
"don't scuff my j's, for real."
*scuffs his own shoes*
"let's pork"
*horny 25/7*
"you're sick."
*teases him*
*he secretly likes it, even though it sucks for him.*
*mad at me literally all the time*
*hates me & doesn't like to cuddle*
"Ice cube? 😊"
"yoooouuuu said"
"that's honestly fucking dick"
"how does it feel to be single?"
*sleeps with me*
*protective 2892729429/7*
"tickle my back"
*never tickles my back when I ask*
"I love you"
"come 'er" in a baby voice
*lets me do his make up*
*still loves me even though I'm annoying asf*
*smiles real cute*
*snuggles me*
*wrestles with me occasionally*
*walks 8 miles to dq with me*
*makes me food*
*makes me cry*
*then hugs me & lets me cry on him*
"I'm sorry babe, I love you"
"it's okay, don't cry"
*laughing together 10 mins later*
*always plays with my ear*
*has showers with me*
"you're butt is so nice"
*smiles super fricken cute*
"I'm always up for a challenge"
"foooor why"
* breathes heavy when he wants action*
"you're my girl"
"baby girl"
*feeds me nuggets*
*rubs lotion on my legs*
"only mine"
*shoves tongue down my throat*
*pretends to tell me a secret*
*sticks tongue in my ear*
*bites my ear*
*licks my face*
*makes me super happy*
*trust him with my everything*
"ouuu give me a massage!"
*my one & only boy*
"let's blaze"
"you always kill the mood & puke"
*sees black guy*
"he's probably got a big d"
"3 some with Matt???"
*always say no*
"that's so prick, honestly"
"you can't look at my phone because man dick is on there"
"pork now?"
*talks really dirty to me*
*smacks my ass*
"you look good"
*smiles & kisses me*
*worms me every chance he gets*
*loves me unconditionally*
"I love you so much"
"come cuddle"
*worlds best kisser*
*my world*
I just love you so much. holy.

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tbh- your really nice and lots of fun to be around! we have had some fun nights this summer and your really attractive, text me sometime

Andrew Davidse
of course! & yeah for sure you're a good time!

my bus goes about a block away from my house, I wonder if the comp bus would go to my house

just really wants me to come 😂

yeah that's the thing about OLMP the buses are really expensive

& not one comes right to my house. when the comp bus does

What happened to going to olmp? Even tho I'm glad your coming to the comp with the rest of us.

my mom was the final decision & she said the bus does come to my house & go straight to I'll so I can't go. but if I really don't like comp 2nd semester mom says I can go to olmp.
Liked by: taylor markovich


Language: English