
Almira Putri Sandy

Ask @almiraputrisandy

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pilih kamu membuat mu muak kalo melihatnya.. melihat tikus kelindes di jalan (A). liat operasi di rumah sakit (B) melihat video kekerasan rumah tangga (C) kecelakaan anggota tubuh terpisah (D)

Guys tau ga gue gapernah percaya cinta pada pandangan pertama sampe skrg. Duh senior gue yaAllah ganteng abis😍 and after days of intensive research i finally found his fb & ig.

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Who are you?

just a girl who loves makeup & cats but is into coding n hopes that she'll become a web designer one day. did i mention i blog too?


halo! gue cmn mau ksh informasi nih, bagi kalian yg interested untuk join Cambridge Immerse, bisa cek www.cambridgeimmerse.com. Cambridge Immerse itu kyk summer camp. lokasi nya di Cambridge, England. it's a 2 week course. disana kalian bakal diajarin mcm2 kyk science, math, philosphy, creative writing, etc. (idk if you get to choose subjects but i guess you can) by expert tutors from Cambridge&Oxford University. selain itu nanti ada a day trip to London, visit to Cambridge's summer plays and concerts, etc.
there are 2 sessions. session 1 will be on the 24th of July - 6th August, the second one will be on 7th August - 20th August.
it's a good opportunity for you guys. you get to meet people from around the world and make new, interesting friends. but unfortunately it's really expensive. £3695 for 1 session (13 nights). so that means it's +/- rp70,000,000. it includes everything though. accomodation, food, etc.
im not going, but i just thought maybe one/some of you might be interested. so if you are interested, go to the website www.cambridgeimmerse.com (only open to kids 15-18)
please like and share to spread the word. thanks!:)

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Liked by: Gladisya putri

can you make a poem about unconditional love? can you post it as well?

i didn't make this, and this isn't about unconditional love. well, it could be but it's more about acceptance, about letting go. favourite poem so far. you go Kathleen Raine!

Do you have a blog?

yes i do! i just redesigned it go check it out pls!! almiraputrisandy.blogspot.com or just click the link in bio thx!😊
Liked by: inez

What Do You Think of These? Which You Will Choose? He is simple guy when near or beside you but the other side has very bad characteristic when he is not around you. and He got bad and uncomfortable looks at the outer looks, but the other side he has good personality and kind to all people.

sampean ngomong opo sih, aku ora ngerti.

tbh amiii! aduh kangen bangettt! dulu suka beli makan bareng kan yaa, suka main sepeda bareng setiap sore, sekarang udah di Malaysia kann, u itu smart banget and friendly jugaa hehe, i miss you!

Celia Pricilla
hihiii halo celiaaaa! makasihh and i miss u too!
Liked by: Celia Pricilla


Language: English