

Ask @alphaen

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your grammar is a whole mess 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 but . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i still loves you anw 😊😜😛😘😝😜😛😛😜

I know just trying to cover up "you" so i ended up making it weird

how much do you love your bf/gf? why?

A lot perhaps. 😐
Idk but im too lazy to type this long
Just someone who i thinks and waits everyday also miss even though it doesn't make sense because maybe it has only been 5 mins.
Someone who makes me worried if that someone would go with another one not because i don't trust but because i'm not good enough *yeahapessimistic
Someone who many people resemble (?) *perhapsitsonlyme
Maybe i think of "you" too much
Someone who i want serenade to *imsucks
Someone who i always imagine with when i hear the word love *sounds cheesy but it's true
So what do you think? I don't want to make any comparison about how much im in love with any quotes or parable or whatever it called
I know i'm weird, everything i said was nonsense with a fail grammar and im spending too much babbling now.

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Alpha makin anu deh sama pacarnya 😂

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Anu bermakna banyak ya, tidak boleh langsung menyimpulkan sesuatu. Pacar pacar aja lu ._.
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nama lu gaya e

Nama gua alpha doang mz, emg lu niccholo entahlah, apa perlu gua ganti jd mariabimasakti
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20 facts about me 😂😂😈

Banyak amat -.- saya malas
Lucu, terlalu baik, alim, mkkb, suka jazz, nyengir mulu ampe gigi kering, gummy smile, cuek tapi peduli (?), nyebelin, logatnya unik, english accentnya hot damn, lebih suka pake kacamata, bkc, lesnya banyak bener, cita cita sudah yakin, aries ular, suka random, tidak terbuka awalnya, terlihat friendly pdhl ktnya engga, tidak suka membahas masa lalu, jago gambar, lebih sebagai orang yg menerima dibanding meminta lebih, blablabla

karena ga diajak ke jakarta dan ternyata disana ada cosplay competition 😂 😂😂😂

Demen amat cosplay ._. Kirain np yauda.


Language: English