
Alyssa Cova

Ask @alyssacova

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Are the people at platinum nice? I went there for a while & everyone was so rude to me ://

Really? Everyone has been nice to me!
Liked by: Macy

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Why do you like platinum Better becaude didn't you try out there but went to legendz

At the time Legendz was closer and more affordable and I didn't know what either was like

Why does everyone from platinum think there's a rivalry ? I've been at Legendz for years and this is the first I've heard of this rivalry hahaha

There isn't lol lets all just cheer eachother on at worlds

What are the differences between PA & CLZ

Everything about it is different, the atmosphere, coaching style, practice, competitions, literally everything

Aweeeeee you were at niu and I didn't get to see you! What level were you

Senior Coed 5! I'll be there tomorrow too!

opinions based on looks for likers virgin? player? single/taken? popular? drinker/smoker?

I'm confused by this question


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