
Alyssa Simon

Ask @alyssasimon

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ALYSSA! goodness gracious you are pretty! you are very sympathetic. I feel if I had problems I would go and ask Alyssa Simon for help. you always make people feel safe. Also you have a way of making people laugh and it is very natural! thank you so much!

Hey, this really did brighten my day! thank you very much :)

You are absolutely not a whore! You're absolutely beautiful, they're just jealous. :)

Hey kind person! Can there be more of you?

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Pap of your answers!

why did you put an exclamation point at the end of that? Was it necessary, this "question" made me rip my face off, I'm deleting this app
Liked by: George Coenen

also known as the finger in which you seemed to not follow along with in your textbook in 2nd grade, therefore causing your first cardflip

Olivia Brosman
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Wooooooooooooooo!

woah i didn't expect an explosion, all i was looking for was an outburst at most

Olivia Brosman
I surely wasn't either I was thinking of a reaction similar to that of a young child on Christmas morn. Frankly, I was stunned by my own volcanic reaction.

thoughts on

George Coenen
That filthy maniac? Oh lawd! There's so much to say. Well George you are one comical son of a bitch. I've never met anyone who shared the same love for mpgis and Queen Lindsey as me. We also share that really rude and offensive sense of humor ("it's like you don't even have cancer!", "get down, with the syndrome", etc.) I love how weird I can be around you too. If you don't go to north I will kill myself, I will kill. my. self. STOP IT JOHNY I WILL! No but seriously go to North. That trip to Madison for YIG is gonna be off the charts. K bye-eeeeeee! #vanbuerons
Liked by: . George Coenen


Language: English